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Hey there! Tsuu has finally gotten back to me with WIPs for the commissions from the last poll. She's been pretty busy lately, but I'm very happy with how these have turned out. You might noticed that Jianmo is not here despite winning the poll—that's because I'd paid in advance for the commissions before knowing which characters would win the poll, forgetting that Jianmo would actually be two characters in one. Neither the time nor budget allotted to the commission would fit the piece I had in mind, so Jianmo's design has been pushed forward for later (don't worry, it's coming).

As for these two—Ienaga is pretty much exactly how I envisioned her. Heian's design needs a tiny bit of work, the ears and tail were forgotten in the sketch, but otherwise I like how it turned out (her dress is so cute!). You can see her cat form curled up at the bottom doing what she does best.

Really looking forward to seeing these two finished. Once again, no poll both because of the large backlog of commissions currently in the works, and because Jianmo² is coming up some time in the near future already.

