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Hello everybody! Funny story, I had planned to set up some milestone goals for patronage, but the plan (among others) was delayed by my RSI injury. Nevertheless, the goal still existed in my head, and today we've met it! As long as we stay at, above, or close to this milestone, I'll be doing monthly artwork commissions to help bring the story to life, with votes to determine what will be drawn next.

The character designs with Tsuu are still going, with the first of the three set to begin some time in the next couple of weeks, but for now I'd like to know what you're interested in seeing next. This is less a "pick a character" type of poll and more a "what kind of art do you want to see?" It's not about the specific content of the art to be commissioned, but rather the style.

For now, the three categories I'm looking at are scene illustrations, character designs, and chibi arts.

Scene illustrations would be high quality projects like the cover, showing off particularly iconic moments of the story in vivid detail. One such project would break the whole budget for the month, and even with the goal met, I probably can't afford to do these too often.

Character designs are simple full-body drawings of a character to give you an idea what they look like. I've got three such commissions already in the works, and if possible I'd like to stick with the same artist for all of these in order to maintain a consistent style. This means that these could take some time.

Finally, chibi arts would be things like discord emotes, stickers, or cute sketches of the characters in a more simplistic style. These are by far the cheapest, and I'd probably be able to do a pretty big batch of them in one month's budget.

So, for the first of what will hopefully continue to be monthly commissions, what are you most interested in seeing?


The Human

Art is neat, and it is nice to see and I appreciate supporting artists as well as writers, but I genuinely would be similarly happy for you to just make some of your monthly bills go away or treat yourself to a nice meal. If you don't want to spend everything on yourself, maybe commissioning side stories or something? I'm always a little curious why so many authors on patreon use the money for pictures