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With the commission for the new cover art coming up, I've been considering how I might best take advantage of the new cover to increase discovery. As part of that, I am considering temporarily accelerating the release schedule. RoyalRoad's discovery algorithm for newer stories is almost entirely dependent on relative growth, and one of the ways to take advantage of that is more frequent chapters.

Now, I don't want to burn myself out with too much work, and I definitely don't want to clear my buffer of drafts, as that would be extremely unfair to $10 patrons. So, I propose a sneaky change the the release schedule. Instead of 3000-3500 word chapters three times a week, I would start writing 2000 word chapters and releasing them every weekday.

This isn't necessarily something I plan on doing in the long term, but I'd like to try it out for a bit while I try to advertise more aggressively. Free readers would be getting the full length chapters at the increased release rate, but if I switch back later, then they'd also end up suffering through a period of shorter chapters at a slower release rate, so it evens out.

Let me know what you think.


Etly Lindman

I got an idea for a promotional schedule. 60 word chapters released hourly every day of the week. No clue why no one has tried it so far


That would certainly get attention, but I'm not sure it's the kind I'm looking for lmao. Realistically, twice daily is about the upper limit, but 700-1000 word chapters feel too unsatisfying to me. 2000 words is about the minimum I'm willing to go per chapter, and 5x per week seems like an ok balance.

Mark the Gamer

I'd like to amend my vote i both do care and want you to do whatever you want to do.