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Seong Misun’s revelation was quite the bombshell, but ten years was both a triflingly short time for immortals, and also a long enough time that it was difficult to feel pressured by it. Nevertheless, it did manage to sober the room somewhat, and Yan Yue took advantage of the opening created by that.

“It’s heartening to know that our allies are taking the matter so seriously. Your highnesses, I am likely to be stuck entertaining suitors for some time, and I won’t be able to answer your invitation until I’ve heard all offers. In the meantime, may I recommend you return to Qin and relay Empress Yoshika’s offer of cooperation?”

One of the princesses frowned.

“We never agreed to that.”

“Besides, we were looking forward to that tour Lady Yoshika promised.”

Yue had no idea how Yoshika was able to tell the twins apart, but at least the way they spoke for each other and finished each other’s sentences was familiar ground.

“I’m sure that something can be arranged. Our timeline may be stricter than we realized, but a lot can happen in ten years, and the world still turns regardless.”

Yoshika nodded.

“I’d be happy to show you both around. We’re proud of what we’ve built here.”

Ashikaga Sae grimaced and shook her head.

“That’s lovely, but while you’re touring the country and trying to unbreak the world, we still have to repel regular assaults from the northern borders.”

The twins shrugged.

“As we said, the sects act autonomously. If you want to treat with them, then treat with them—or our younger brother. We have no authority over their actions.”

“Though I suppose I could put in a good word with Yongliang if Yoshika impresses us.”

Princess Seong Misun swept a lock of hair back from her shoulder and sighed.

“I’ve done my part. Goryeo will continue to aid Jiaguo in researching the divine seal, but my sisters and I will be returning home first thing tomorrow.”

Yue bit her thumbnail and furrowed her brows. Things were moving too fast to keep a handle on everything. Perhaps it was best to simply let the pieces fall where they may, then clean up the mess later.

“In that case, unless anyone else has something to add, I move to adjourn this meeting.”

To her surprise, Seong Eunae rose to address the table.

“If I may, High Arbiter?”

Yue gestured for her to continue.

“Thank you. I understand that we all have our own interests to be concerned about, and as Yan Yue said, life continues on no matter how dire things may be. However, I’d like to remind everyone here that of all of us, there is only one person at this table with truly selfless intentions.”

She held out a hand towards Yoshika’s avatar.

“Empress Yoshika is my friend and confidante, and I trust her with my life. She wants nothing more than for the people of this continent—this world—to live in happiness. All people. If you take nothing else away from this meeting, then let it be that no matter who you are or what your station is, to act on Yoshika’s behalf is to act on your own behalf.”

Yoshika smiled gratefully at Eunae, touched by the speech, but Yue was focused on the others. Misun never listened to her sister anyway, but Shogun Ashikaga and even Lin Xiulan looked deeply contemplative. As for the twins...

“Well, if nothing else it’s commendable to inspire such confidence in those around you.”

“We’ve only known you by your enemies until now, but the fresh perspective helps to understand who you really are.”

That at least sounded positive. It was so hard to tell with those two. With nothing else to address, the meeting was adjourned. It didn’t really feel like anything had been accomplished, but they had at least managed to get some idea of where Jiaguo stood in the political landscape.


After the disastrous conference with the world leaders, Yue was in no mood to entertain suitors. It felt ridiculous that she even had to do it in the first place. There was little to no chance that she’d be marrying any of them, and most of their offers were transparent bids to gain control of Jiaguo so that they could offer it up to the emperor.

No doubt that was precisely what her father intended by sending Zheng Long. She chewed on her thumbnail irritably as she lounged alone in her sitting room. It was nice having Jia and Eui wait on her for a change, but the solitude helped her think.

Why was Zheng Long in league with her father again? He’d aided them in the fight against Yan De back in Chou’s Tomb, and when he left, he’d expressed no intention to return to the Awakening Dragon sect.

Perhaps the only way to know was to ask, but she didn’t relish the thought of seeing him again. Then again, she owed him an apology, if nothing else. She’d overreacted before, and jumped to uncharitable conclusions—a bad habit, as Yoshika pointed out.

Once she sent word, it didn’t take long for her former lover to arrive at her home.

It was perhaps a little scandalous to be meeting him privately like that, but they’d grown up together, and despite her venomous words before, she still believed that he would respect the understanding that they’d reached. If he didn’t, she’d kill him.

He didn’t bother knocking, simply waiting at the door for her to let him in. Yue had been developing her domain since long before reaching the xiantian stage, but after ascending, her awareness of the world had reached an entirely different level. Zheng Long had a five year head start, so he no doubt understood that feeling well.

Yue opened the door and greeted him with a formal bow.

“Good evening, Senior Brother Zheng Long.”

He returned the bow with a more respectful one, lowering his head as he clasped his hands together in front of him.

“Lady High Arbiter. Thank you very much for finding the time to spare for this unworthy servant. I would not dare to still consider myself your senior—neither of us are part of the Awakening Dragon, and you exceed me in both craft and status.”

Yue narrowed her eyes. Normally she’d be quite pleased to have a former superior acting all obsequious before her, but coming from Zheng Long it felt wrong. Forced in a way that she couldn’t describe.

“Don’t grovel, Zheng Long. It’s unbecoming of you. If you’re not going to speak your mind, then you may as well just turn around and leave now.”

He raised his head and smiled awkwardly.

“I see the years have done little to dull that sharp tongue of yours. I almost missed it.”

“Much better. Come in and have a cup of tea. I hope you have a good explanation for all this.”

Yue ushered Zheng Long in, and he stared down at his lap in silence while she brewed some fresh tea. Though she didn’t have quite the same talent for reading auras as Yoshika, Yue could tell that Zheng Long was troubled just from his posture.

She set the table before sitting across from him with her legs crossed and her jaw set.

“So, you’re back under my father’s heel, are you?”

Zheng Long winced as if he’d been struck.

“You could say that. It’s funny—for years all I wanted was his blessing to marry you. Fate has a way of finding the cruelest ways to grant our wishes, doesn’t it?”

“Why did he send you here?”

“To marry you, obviously—or at least make sure nobody else does. Now that you’ve ascended, it’s more important than ever that you remain part of the Great Awakening Dragon sect.”

Yue grimaced, but tried to restrain her anger.

“My status as his heir is nothing but a formality. Why does he care?”

“You’ve been away too long, Yue. Formality is everything. His ploy to capture the weakening Flowing Purewater sect by naming you his heir now works against him. He has no legal control over you now, which means his hold on the sect is slipping.”

“He’s immortal, Zheng Long. His hold on the sect isn’t going anywhere.”

Zheng Long shrugged.

“He doesn’t see it that way. You know your father—he’s always looking ahead. The present is nothing but a fleeting illusion, but the future is the clay from which he molds the foundations of his power.”

“Yan De left for closed door meditation when I was only two years old, and didn’t return until my little brother died sixteen years later. After that, we were sent to the academy, and the rest is history. At this point, you know him far better than I ever did.”

He inclined his head.

“Maybe so. I’m not sure I ever truly apologized about Yan Zhihao.”

Yue raised an eyebrow curiously.

“Apologized for what? It’s not like you killed him.”

“No, but I saw his death as an opportunity. A chance to take his place and become the new heir to the sect. That was...callous of me. I should not have treated you or your brother as tools.”

She blinked.

“Apology accepted, I suppose. Better than Jianmo’s, at least. They told me, and I quote—‘I don’t hate cheeky little brats, but I was a little cranky after ten thousand years of imprisonment, and he was really annoying.’”

“The young master could be rather grating...”

Yue couldn’t help but giggle. It was rude to speak ill of the dead, but the banter reminded her of their youth, and while she did miss him a little, Yan Zhihao was an utter brat.

“Why are you here, Zheng Long?”

“I already told you that—”

“No, I mean why did you agree? Even knowing what a betrayal it would be, knowing that you have absolutely no chance of success. Why come here? Why did he even think it would work?”

Zheng Long clenched his fists and stared down at his lap furiously.

“He has leverage. Yan De trusts that I am motivated enough to see the task through or die trying. I think he is both overestimating and underestimating me—not to mention you.”

She pursed her lips. What sort of bribe would motivate Zheng Long so? Had her father promised him the sect, after all?


His eyes flicked up nervously to meet hers, and he hesitated before answering.

“I made a life for myself. Settled down, at least for a while. I thought I’d left all of this behind me until Yan De tracked me down. They helped me find myself again when I thought I’d lost everything, and now your father threatens to take it all away from me if I don’t do as he says. I never even had the chance to tell my wife that we have a child on the way.”

Yue froze mid-sip, slowly lowering her teacup. Zheng Long, the mighty rising star of the Awakening Dragon sect, had left behind a life of glamor and power to settle down and get married. It almost beggared belief.

“Your wife? Wait—you know she’s pregnant before she does?”

“Xiu isn’t a cultivator, so it will be a while before our child develops enough for her to notice.”

She was glad she’d set down her drink, or she might have choked on it.

You married a mortal?!”

For the first time since he’d arrived in Jiaguo, Yue saw a spark of his former fire in Zheng Long’s eyes as he frowned at her.

“Is there a problem with that? Fang Xiu is a good woman. She’s strong and resilient—not to mention absolutely fearless. She walked right up to Yan De without even flinching to make sure everything was alright.”

Yue raised her hands defensively.

“N-no. Nothing wrong at all. I’m sorry if I insinuated—”

“She lost her parents when she was little, but she refuses to let anyone coddle her—not even me! I had to move into the village just to make sure she didn’t keep risking her life climbing the mountain to...”

She stared in stunned silence as Zheng Long gushed about the love of his life. Yue could feel the love and affection in his aura—more genuine and passionate than anything he’d ever felt for her. She crushed the tiny spark of jealousy rising within her and steeled her expression.

Yue had been about to ask the obvious question—how did Yan De expect Zheng Long to marry her when he already had a wife? But now she understood. Zheng Long would do anything for Fang Xiu. He wasn’t stupid—he knew that her father had little to no intention of ever letting Zheng Long return to his family, but it didn’t matter. As long as there was hope, he’d do whatever it took.

That’s how he could be so confident in Zheng Long. It was as he said, Yan De both overestimated and underestimated them. Just as Yue didn’t know her father, he’d never taken the time to know her either. But Zheng Long? Yan Yue and Zheng Long had known each other since they were children. They’d studied under the same master, learned the same techniques, suffered the same defeats, and shared the same victories. He was like a brother to her—for better and for worse—and she wasn’t going to let her worthless father tear apart the things her real family cared about.

Yue closed her eyes and focused. With a thought, she tapped into the connection Yoshika shared with all of her people—but especially those closest to her.

It was a long and arduous process, but in preparation for her ascension, Yue had at last mastered spirit communion. In an instant, she shared Zheng Long’s story, her feelings about it, and a single heartfelt request.

I need you.

Zheng Long practically jumped out of his seat as Lee Jia appeared on the couch next to Yue, a dire expression on her face.

“What can we do to help?”


Pride mystic artificer

to everyone saying that yoshi should just go steal the girl/village, understand that this is not the same yoshi that causes diplomatic incidents as a matter of course on her way. She is not the leader of two country’s and responsible for the lives of potentialy everyone in the world. Yes, she would be sympathetic to the cause and perhaps even send a strategic strike team to rescue the village under the nose of the higher ups if she can get away with it BUT, she will not risk the lives of her country for one girl/village when so many more are at stake. It would be interesting to see a surgical strike with perhaps the top students in the academy going to retrieve the village, or some military unit. That’s also something at least able to be denyed by yoshi.


Fair, I was thinking along lines of leave ghost village behind, and hiding them among Jiaguos residents/outer villages. But, I do see your point, it is Qin's domain she could be detected.