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"Like all of the Fallen Gods - the Valathrim - Zelioth the Spider Queen was banished into the Pale by the treacherous Avetharri Wyrm Lords. Little is known about her followers or their religion in ancient times  - the history of that era was lost during the endless Dragon War. All we know for certain is that the Vaetharri - the so-called dark elves - turned against Zelioth and embraced their sorcerous heritage. Those who wished to follow the Valathrim were banished from the shores of the 'old world' of Varellon and settled here in the 'new world' of Torsia. Today, they no longer even consider themselves Vaetharri. They are drow, and they will stop at nothing to free their dark goddess from her eternal prison."
                                                                                          -Archmage Beloran of HIghwind

Hey, guys! This was finished quicker than I anticipated - an image of the Spider Queen herself for the cover of Wrath #4! Note that there is no nsfw version - the artist doesn't do those. 

But she was a pleasure to work with and I think the armor detail is incredible. Look at the little spider eyes and stuff!



Vladek XXV

It's so detailed and shiny.

Six of Crows

Wow are we going to see the actual Spider Queen make an appearance? That would be amazing, I’m so intrigued to see who Serrane end’s up with🤔 (or belonging to). Could she become the pet of a goddess, that would be interesting:)


Most likely, this series is a bad end. The Spider Queen makes a triumphant return and Serrane will be just one of the goddess' many slaves.