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Hey, everyone! 

So just a quick progress update for you: Shadow of the Seraph #2 is fully outlined and a little over half-written, but I had a fit of inspiration with SQ and started firing off some chapters. Since it is shorter (and less complicated!) I'll be able to finish it quicker, so I've decided to crank that out next then finish SoS #2. 

Working on something that's more of my "original style" has made me realize how much my writing has evolved over the years! (for better or worse)

My goal right now is to get you some hot previews before the end of the month. But here is the cover!

This is a new artist, @Ullr_2020, who I decided to test out since Tony was already working on something else. What do you think?



And watching these covers I always think about how much I would like a graphic novel with Sarah's stories.


Bound in spider webs is a good look on Serrane, can't wait to read the story !