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Hey, guys. Just letting you know that I'm putting the final touches on TaV 5 now - I had been hoping to get it out today but that's just not going to be possible; I'm going to need the weekend to finish edits. 

But it's very close, and I really think the final product will be worth it. :) I appreciate your patience! After this monster I'll get the paperback organized then get back on my normal release schedule!

For art news, I had a couple of busts and even a scam on Fiverr (got my money back, thankfully) but I am looking to arrange a cover for the TaV anthology. In the meantime, this White Throne cover will probably be done and have a nsfw version for you soon!



Do you already have a name voor the new arc, like The Amazon's Justice or The Amazon's Revenge? Or is this the last book of Jorem and his gang?

Sarah Hawke

The last book for a while. But there is a 20 year gap between this and the White Throne so I'm sure I'll fill it with stories eventually.


I am soooo excited for this