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Hey everybody this will be a MINI-UPDATE!  This update is here just to give some insight on what we've finished up, what is still left to do, and how we'll be prioritizing next month.

( Bippy's finalized backwards walk cycle - cleaned up by Sneep! )

We've still been trying to work our way through some of the last aspects of what is needed visually for Build 2 of Tough Bippy, although considering how animation heavy a lot of the game is, there is still quite a bit of work we have ahead of us to ensure that last bit of polish. We are currently in the process of redoing a couple of attack animations, as well as finishing up some final animations regarding Bippy's movement.

( Tough Bippy WIP animation of Bippy pushing against a wall behind him. )

April will be a month where we'll be spending some time building up some additional savings, doing some additional work, and to ensure things are in a good position coming off taxes for game work. We'll be launching a specific stream format in relation to Wan Wan TV next month (all donations going towards Tough Bippy's budget) as well as working in some more dev streams by the end of the month going towards wrapping up Build 2.

( Something new is coming regarding Wan Wan TV... stay tuned... )

Things have certainly been taking a bit in terms of finalizing our next test build and we do apologize for that, but we're hoping with next month that we can get things in a good enough position that we can easily get all the last things we need finalized. We were maybe a bit too optimistic about an immediate start of the year build considering how much still needed to be done art-wise, but in regards to gameplay the build is nearly finalized.

Our gold post we had intended to post earlier in the month has been seeing a lot of new additions to go alongside changes we had made, but we will have a big post about input buffering that should go up this weekend. If you are curious as to how input buffering works or are interested in how we specifically handle it for a lot of our mechanics and systems - we have a massive info dump ready! In the future we'll hopefully be doing a gold post every other month detailing more about how the game is designed and structured internally.

We'll see you guys around the end of the month with a GOLD POST - and stay tuned for the end of the month where we'll be doing our standard monthly wrap-up bronze post! April will hopefully get us into a good position to grow and expand things with the game by the end of the month, and we'll be transitioning over to PIRATE GAME work after Build 2 launches.



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