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Avast and ahoy and other things like that! Animation is sailing smoothly for our shoot-em-up game, two out of the three playable characters have been completed. I feel really pleased with the diverse sense of personality I've given to each of the ships, strong characters are a goal I've wanted to keep in mind for this game. Pirate history is full of dramatic, larger than life personalities, so I'm hoping to come up with some unsavory, cutthroat rogues for players to be endeared by. We've also got an outline for level themes at this point, look forward to concept art once I've finished the animation on the final playable ship. Designing enemies is my favorite step of development, and I can't wait to start coming up with maritime threats.

Meanwhile, Bippy's training continues! While DD finalizes the coding behind Bippy's moves, our associate Sneep is doing preliminary drawings for the effect animations we need to give each punch its power. These effects will have two stages, one for special moves performed under normal circumstances, and a flashier look for the more powerful EX version.

As mentioned previously, we're planning on giving you patrons one more demo to test out how Bippy feels before we move on to making a public demo that will show off the first stage of the game. Effects will be in place and Bippy's moveset will be fully implemented, so we encourage you to try as many things as you can with him so we can fix bugs or adjust balancing. We're getting close to being ready to move on to making Bippy's world now, and as such we're also in the process of picking artists for background design and additional animation. Funds are nearly saved up in no small part thanks to you the supporter!  Thanks for your continued interest in our games, and I'm looking forward to showing you guys more content as it mysteriously appears.




Hell yeah


Bippy looks great!

Xander Whyte

Keep up the great work!