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The newest test build is nearly here - sometime in October we'll be dropping it here for you guys to try out! There have been a lot of big changes, bug fixes, and new functionality added to the game - Test Build #002 will be showcasing combat and the full capabilities of what Bippy is able to do as a character. While the first build showed off the basics of movement, this build will be really demonstrating what the combat system allows for!

Debugging options will be available still like the first test build so if anyone spots bugs - be sure to enable input display when providing any video or recordings of issues! We'll be bug squashing for a few weeks after this drops taking in feedback from here, and after that we are going to start work on setting up the first level and stage boss!

Test Build #002 will mark a pretty major milestone as it concludes most work on the core game engine, and our next goal will be finishing the first level of the game and getting a public demo ready! We hope you guys have fun messing around with combat once the test build drops, and there's just a bit more work we need to wrap up with it before it drops!

Here's a list of changes and new features that you can expect to see in the new build :

  • New Test Rooms

We have expanded the size of the debug area to include plenty of new test rooms for trying things out. Get more familiar with movement as well as utilizing new environments for combat. The camera points we setup have been altered to be a lot smoother, and we've also tweaked a few of the rooms from the first build slightly in other ways. 

  • Dynamic Color Palettes

We have implemented color palettes for sprites in-game, allowing for various color schemes and effects. From the debug menu you can try out alternate color schemes for Bippy, as well as selecting the option for a dynamic rainbow effect that showcases blending palettes together on the fly. Various visual effects have taken advantage of the new palette system and you'll be seeing it get used with backdrops in-game later on.

  • New Hitsparks

New hitsparks have been added to the game, a few variants made for different attack strengths. These new effects should give a lot more impact and weight to attacks, they also have a bit of variance to them on how they generate their bursts each time you land a hit. 

  • Combo Counter

We have a new combo counter in-game that tells you how many hits you've chained together on enemies. When no enemies on screen are stunned or vulnerable anymore, the combo will be dropped. The damage you've dealt is listed beneath the hit counter - and the overall combo indicator will change colors based on the total damage done in your combo.

  • New Animations

Various new animations have been added for Bippy's movement, such as pushing against walls and dropping through platforms. Bippy is now sitting at over 1000 frames of animation - granting him plenty of life and personality! All the visual polish helps give extra weight and fluidity to his movement, making him feel very organic to control!

  • Wall Bouncing

There have been a lot of overhauls to how combat functions, extending the functionality of Bippy's attacks further and allowing for more possibilities with combos! One major addition is the option to wall bounce an enemy, allowing you to take advantage of your environment to extend a combo further. 

  • Improved Hitboxes

We have completely redone hitboxes on all characters in the game, allowing for them to be much more precise and extend the utility that certain attacks hold. Attackboxes, hurtboxes, and pushboxes have all been overhauled. 

  • After Images

A brand new after image effect has been added for when Bippy is dashing or when he's performing any EX special moves. The effect should give a bit more of an indication for when you're dash jumping or using a very powerful attack.

  • Parrying

The old clashing system was a bit awkward so it has been overhauled into parrying. By tapping forward just before an attack makes contact with you (or down for attacks that hit low) you can block the hit, circumvent damage, and get a frame advantage on the enemy you parried. Timing is somewhat strict so longer strings of attacks may take some practice to get good at deflecting!

  • Extended Debugging Menu

We've added a lot of new options to the debug menu that allow for improved testing alongside being able to demo a lot of the new elements that have been implemented into the game. You can toggle visibility on a stun frame counter for enemies, change Bippy's color scheme, toggle invincibility, and lastly the option to have an on-screen list of all the inputs you've made.

  • Super Meter

You now have a super meter which can be filled up by landing attacks or parrying enemies. Meter can be utilized for EX special moves which are performed by pressing Punch+Special at the same time (or by macroing the command to a key/button).

Everything below are still aspects we are finalizing before posting the new test build. There are still some animations we need to finish alongside getting a few final elements functional and optimal. You can still tune in over on Twitch every Tuesday and Thursday at 8 PM ET to watch as the game is worked on. Here's what's still a work in progress :

  • Special Moves (WIP)

We're still in the process of finishing animation work for Bippy's special moves but are almost done! Special moves can be performed by pressing the special button in combination with holding a direction. All regular punches can be cancelled into special moves and all special moves can be cancelled in to EX special moves. EX moves are powered up versions of your special moves that function slightly different, come out faster, and require use of meter stock to perform.

Neutral+Special has Bippy perform a lunging punch which can also double function as a second air dash when performed off the ground. The EX version of this move will wall bounce an enemy.

Up+Special performs a spinning uppercut. This move hits a few times and can also function as a second jump when performed in the air. Performing the EX variant of this move speeds it up, lands more hits, and carries Bippy a bit higher upwards.

 = = = = = = = = = =  

The following attacks are still in the process of being animated and finalized:

Down+Special (ground) serves as a "get off me" attack where Bippy spins around with a big punch to hit both sides of him. Slow recovery makes this attack risky and should only be used in emergencies, although the EX variant is much faster and sees Bippy spin repeatedly for multiple hits. 

Down+Special (aerial) will function as a divekick, allowing Bippy to drop downwards and bounce off an enemy on contact. The EX version will hit repeatedly and continue to see you falling on impact rather than having Bippy bounce off his target.

  • Defense Button (WIP)

The defense button (mapped to left shoulder by default) can be tapped repeatedly to dodge in-place granting you some invincibility frames.

Holding the button down will keep Bippy facing the same direction allowing you to walk backwards.

Dashing backwards while holding the button down will let you perform a backdash, allowing you to quickly pull back from danger when needed.

= = = = = = = = = = 

You can also perform a backwards airdash by dashing backwards with mid-air with the defense button held down. (We are still finishing the animation for this one!)

  • Improved Controller Configuration (WIP)

We've been working on setting up much better controller options, allowing players to choose from default presets based on popular controller models, setting deadzones for analog inputs, and adding the option to macro specific actions to buttons. People had reported some issues in the first test build about controllers sometimes not getting detected so we're looking into that problem as well.

Thank you all for continuing to support development of Tough Bippy and we are excited to finally be posting this new test build for you all to try! We're looking forward to whatever feedback you guys have so we can polish things up and try to make the best game we can here - and we hope you guys have a hoot messing around with the updated combat mechanics! After Test Build #002 drops - we'll be looking into getting an additional artist or two involved on the project (depending on what budget allows) and expand the team beyond the three of us. Having some additional hands on deck means we can speed up development and get things moving full steam ahead for the first public demo!

Stay tuned - we'll be dropping the new test build soon! See you then!




No freaking way, I can't wait to play the new demo!


Really liking the look of that wall bounce animation. Looking forward to seeing how it effects combos as well.


deez nuts

Ass Fetchum

It's always nice to see a game with hand-animated frames because the developers can add in details that bring a character to life and make them satisfying to move around. I cannot imagine the amount of hours it took to make the 100+ frames of animation but the game looks great. Looking forward to the new build!