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Welcome to the very first TOUGH BIPPY test build for patrons! The game is still very early in development but we're hoping to receive some feedback on how it performs, how it feels to control, as well as any early bug squashing we could potentially do! 

The ZIP comes with a readme file that we'd recommend you give a glance before running the game just to understand the basics and what is still to come. You guys can expect to see more of these test builds as the year continues on, the next build featuring more attacks as well as cleaned up and finalized animations! Be sure to post how will the game performed for you framerate wise, and give us a heads up on how it felt to control and play or if you found any glitches we could look into! We'll hopefully have a more robust menu system next test build, so we apologize if the bare-bones interface is a bit lacking. 

Thank you all for your patience and we hope you guys enjoy this first look at TOUGH BIPPY! There is plenty more to come and we're really thankful that we can work on this project thanks to the support you've given us! 




Oh my god, thank you!


Where should we send crash info to? Got a code error...


Hey, the game plays beautifully! I wasn't expecting the animations to be so smooth, but also not take way from the speed that each action is performed at. You definitely nailed it with the art/game feel ratio. Also, the framerate was great on my 7 year old laptop.


Hi there! Really enjoying the test build! Is there any way to map the controls to the D-Pad of a controller? (I'm currently using a GameCube controller) I can't seem to do so in the settings. Analog works great, but I'm just curious.


We've updated the build for a crash fix!


What happens when you try to map the d-pad in the menu and what sort of controller is it? Is the d-pad mapped to the point of view hat in Windows?


When I attempt to bind, it's like the button press isn't registering. It's a wired Pro Gamecube controller made for the Switch. I can use the D-Pad on the point of view hat in Windows.


Just tested it with a PS4 controller and I can map its D-Pad with no issues. I'm guessing it's a problem with the GameCube controller, but both of their point of view hats work perfectly fine.


Playing the test right now. Controls and animation are super smooth. Using an Xbox controller on this feels too good. I can see some of the animations are still not shaded like the ducking or when being attacked, but I kinda like that. The combat is really clean and I love chaining combos together. Bippy is pretty fast and that kick in speed is just the icing on the cake. I'm kinda seeing myself speedrunning this tbh. Overall, It's fun and I like this. You guys are doing great.


Hello, I really like the test build just one thing when several of the punching bags were hitting me at the same time, the game dropped a lot of frames. Hope that this helps!


Awesome! I know it's not useful, but I really can't think of any complaints at all. The game plays great. I'm not a game designer or programmer (yet), but as an avid player I can tell you nothing felt off whatsoever. I really appreciate the MegaMan X-styled traversal, especially the optional double-tap to dash, and it was spot-on. The animations are all snappy and responsive, and even my dumb brain can get double-digit combos on these enemies. I flipped out on the controls as awkwardly as I could to try to find anything that bugged out or reacted weird, and didn't see anything. My framerate was well over 1500-2000fps @ windowed 1080p, at least according to the in-game counter. RivaTuner's display always said 60 with or without v-sync but I dunno how much stock to put into that... regardless, it was fast and rock-solid. I have a mid-range PC I built a couple years ago. I did notice that using 1080p fullscreen didn't scale it correctly, more like it was zoomed in on a small resolution. (EDIT: I just checked again real quick and it was fine this time. Might be on my own PC or monitor's end.) But windowed worked fine and filled my monitor. Played with an 8bitdo controller using xinput over Bluetooth, everything worked just fine. Was able to remap the stick to d-pad no problem. Couldn't feel any dropped inputs, even through Bluetooth. The input buffer also seems pretty dang right. You guys are definitely on the right track, and I can tell when this gets farther along it's gonna look and feel even better. It's really hard to come up with any criticisms that aren't just unfinished things you already acknowledged. Great job!


Performance and response to input execution has been fantastic! Part of me is worried that this is just a habit I need to break out of, but something that's standing out for me is the feel of jumping in combat. In combat, button smashing PUNCH + JUMP has been feeling like a blast, but I find myself wanting to use UP to continue performing JUMP while in the middle of the combo. Initially this isn't as much of a problem when moving around the map, as I can hold the idea of JUMP being a singular input outside of UP, but once entering combat I keep reverting to trying to use UP along with JUMP, as if I can hold the combo while in air. I come back to thinking this is a habit I need to break, as I understand the implication of allowing that would conflict with UP's function of setting up the launcher attack + the fact that jump canceling is available.


Very fun. Controls are responsive, movement feels smooth and natural, and combat feels very impactful and fun. My only gripe is that combos are a little limited. You can only combo into a jumping attack after a launcher, and after a launcher you can only combo into a jumping attack (technically you can combo into a grounded punch but its just less damage that going into the air and trying another launcher just ends the combo). That combined with the fact that you can really only use launchers makes it so your only combo path is grounded punches -> launcher -> aerial punches -> air knockdown or land cancel into sweep (like this https://youtu.be/J95Rm73-P80) other than that this is looking really really good and im excited to see this progress


We're going to be adding a few more attacks to the punch button next build as well as a special move button. Normal punches will be able to cancel openly into every special. Hopefully that alongside the addition of wallbounce will provide more opportunities for combo routes!


I also emailed some videos of an issue(?) I was having when standing too close to an enemy when doing a Launch attack into a Jump, which might of been contributing to me feeling like I needed UP to gain air while in the middle of combat. Also make sure you guys take the break you rightly deserve! This is all great work so far


Got around 1200 fps on my laptop, didn't notice any slow down. It's 64 bit, windows 10, 4 gb ram. Somethings I noticed: When bippy gets to the top of a ladder to another level you can cycle through his climbing up animation frame by frame and it looks very strange. You can also flip it left to right like paper mario. I can see these frames are rough though so I assume they're not finished. With platforms that are only a tile tall if you touch them from underneath Bippy's ears can be seen on the other side, completely ruining my immersion! Also I couldn't figure out the timing on the windmill attack. I could only manage it once, what's the secret?


I think the controls are spot on and the animations are fluid! I feel cycling through the animations like what william fox said is a little strange but it is a early build! I was just think the dash seems a little awkward when you start it up but that might be the animation thing again! All and all this seems to be coming great keep up the good work!


Great build. I couldn't manage to find any clipping or other collision based errors. The punching is really satisfying and maneuvering bippy while holding the dash button feels like it would make for some great platforming (I see a lot of speedrunning potential in this). I'll post a couple more thoughts I had while playing (mostly minor things that probably don't matter): -I found it incredibly easy to pin enemies against the wall and hold them there indefinitely by spamming jump and punch. Even if they fall, a down-punch with very generous timing can knock them back immediately. For common enemies this isn't a problem, but if there are bosses planned keep in mind this strategy could be very OP. (A reason this seems like a possible oversight is that spamming dash and punch will push Bippy away from the enemy a bit, but spamming jump and punch doesn't have that same consequence.) -When multiple enemies fall on their backs after a combo, the sound effects stack. This is possibly intentional and is pretty satisfying as audio feedback, but this might cause audio clipping if the amount of instances reaches a certain level. I'm not sure on this, as I was only able to get 3 at once. And, here's some things I loved: -Jumping while holding dash (Really makes you feel like a rabbit™) -Jumping on enemies -Punching, and how everything freezes for a couple frames when you do -Wallkicks -Performance is solid, FPS never drops below the upper 900's


Works great on somewhat shitty laptop, smooth frame rate (average of 1300 fps) and top notch control. I have noticed an oddity: The game did not pick up my PS4 controller on bluetooth, I had to plug the controller in and once it reads it I was able to unplug and play wireless. I tried this a couple times and it did it every time. I'll have more feed back on how the combat feels after I give it more time, but for now great job on this play test.


I haven't gotten this to work consistently yet, but on the lower area with the ramps dashing after a combo will have the character slide backwards a little and either have them disappear or fall into the ramp. https://i.gyazo.com/b8e5e6dd2480282bf21597ba8e2aefda.png After this happens it doesn't seem like you can come back. I think it has something to do with lightly tapping the dash button but I'm not really sure.


Hey there, been really enjoying the test build so far! Movement feels smooth and highly responsive, and combos are super satisfying to pull off. Performance is also very smooth and the game runs at an all around steady pace (I played the build on a Dell G5 15 laptop and got around 900-1500 fps tops). I also encountered this one bug that triggered during a combo (error pop-up for reference: https://imgur.com/79x1Ksb), but no other bugs has been encountered other than that (thus far).


The demo seems to be shaping up really nicely. Movements and attacks flow nicely, I've experienced no framerate drops, works well. I haven't really found much in the way of bugs at the moment, but all I can really give is suggestions for inputs. Allow Alternate Bindings for all inputs (e.g. Movement on both D-Pad and Analog Stick), having them as a Primary and Secondary on those commands. (eg. Punch - [Primary] [Secondary] instead of Punch and (Alt) Punch as a separate thing) Add Deadzoning Adjustment for Analog Input. Colourblindness mode for accessability.


Found a weird bug where for some reason the screen blinks white for every couple of moments, even when paused. Happens when tabbing back into the game when in fullscreen mode. Also the game seems to save starting in Fullscreen Mode once it's enabled, but doesn't go back to starting in Windowed mode when selected.


Will the combo numbers on enemies be staying in? They're very satisfying to see get up for my filthy casual mind.


As everyone has been saying, the movement and performance are fantastic, I don't have much more to add on that front. I would like to touch on the combo system though. I like how scaling works a lot, the gradual increase in pushback feels very natural and not like an abrupt slap on the wrist like some other games systems. My main complaint is how the follow up for the uppercut work. Trying jump after the launcher gives you a jump with a set height and pretty restrictive timing. It feels artificial, like I'm not in full control of the character and not being trusted to be able to perform a high jump correctly. Not being able to do a ground auto combo into an air auto combo also feels just feels arbitrary/restrictive, especially when you consider that you CAN do it to enemies that are airborne. Outside of that though, it really does feel excellent and I can't wait to see what you can do with the full moveset.


when an enemy is pushed off the platform during the combo they aren't launched like normal as if they were already hit by the launcher is this intentional or just not implemented yet since there aren't enemies placed in this situation by default https://media.giphy.com/media/Ma7GFFCFp8QAiRlabV/giphy.gif (a bunch of frames got cut but you get the idea)


I was a little worried at first because Bippy's basic combo was pretty short, but once I started incorporating wall jumps, ladders and dashes I really started to feel Bippy's range of mobility. I would however like the ability to ground the enemy while in an air combo whenever I want, rather than being forced to wait until the end of the combo. Also, bouncing off of the heads of enemies feels a little underwhelming, I think a little more height and bounce would work well, not sure if that would fuck with the level design of the full game though so I understand if its not possible. All around SUPER excited for the full release!


This is intentional although we could potentially reduce the amount it adds to the scaling.


We're going to be experimenting with how we go about handling displaying information about enemies such as their armor value, combo counter, and health.

Tom Hawkins

I couldn't get it to read my PS4 controller at all, I had to install DS4Windows to get it to work.


I accidentally managed to get a Punching Bag up onto a platform while playing around and finally managed to recreate it intentionally: http://werema.games/platform.png I've sent videos of how I did it over to the contact email, if other folks are interested to see them also, let me know!

Leon Knödelkopf

So, I played a little bit with it arround, and I really like the movement. it is a great "easy to learn, hard to master" thing, especially with the parry system, I also like the dash and how the dash jumps work, since they just need one tab on the button but you also have to time it perfectly to do the trick. If I can make one suggestion: I would implement an optional control scheme where it plays more like a fighting game (like pressing up to jump or do a double tab in one direction to dash), because often I felt like it would make the game a lil bit more fluent and with the dash you have to let lose of the punch button for a second, which isn't a big deal since you're back on the punch button in a zip (now that I think about it I could've also just map the dash on a shoulder button, whoops), but yeah, that would be nice, or the ability to double map commands, since you're not able to map jumping on both a or up, but that is in the end just me who would like to play the game like that. Other than that it is a great first impression and you already did a great job so far. Keep it up, I'll look forward for future updates!


So far, the game feels great. My only suggestion is perhaps being able to move off the ladders with left or right. I find when I'm in combat situations, my movement gets limited whenever I'm on a ladder and it throws off my momentum. Just a suggestion though, I don't think this game necessarily needs that feature, it'd just be nice to have. Other than that, you guys have done great so far. Parrying feels very tight yet rewarding.


Also, maybe for the debug mode, something that allows you to pick which attacks enemies perform? Mainly so I can practice parrying the punching bag's arm propeller attacks.


my hands are hurting from it but it feels so nice honing in on the mechanics to more consistently get 10-11 combos, and MAN does it feel good when a 14-15 pops. Really looking forward to see this keep going~


Game feels good so far, especially the clash mechanic. It would be cool if Bippy had some sort of retaliatory attack after clashing with one or a series of attacks like the spinning punch the enemies had. That would be a neat way of appealing to that sort of play style. Though that might just lead to an easy strat of just spamming attacks without any dodging. Game ran well and I'm looking forward to what comes next :)


The only addition I would like to see is maybe double tapping down could drop your down the thin floors/off ladders?


The reason we didn't opt for it is because we didn't want accidental occurrences of dropping through them by mistake. Down + Jump is a lot more deliberate, although we could potentially add an option under the control menu to enable double-tap drop through!


Feels great to play, hands down my favourite part is successfully doing parries, especially against the dummies' arm spinning attack. Cancelling out each of their punches and then beating them up is super satisfying and fun. I've also enjoyed coming up with move combos and seeing how I can incapacitate enemies quickly if I'm in the middle of a group. Bippy is fun to control and his anim looks smooth and awesome. A problem i have found though is that while using an xbox controller pressing start doesn't bring up the options. twice it's flashed the options for a frame or two but went away, but other than those couple times pressing start does nothing on my end. It's not my start button as I went and tested it in other games so I think it's just an issue in the test build. Other than that issue, I played Bippy on the xbox controller and keyboard and both felt great. Good work guys!


It feels really good to control and the combo system is satisfying and flashy although a bit hard/tricky to get used to especially the counter mechanic I feel has too much of a strict timing to it but since I'm always a very aggressive player in fighting games it could just be that I suck at it 🤷‍♂️ The only bug I found as of now is a relatively innocent one, when you plug in a Nintendo Switch Pro-Controller Bippy starts attacking, jumping and dashing at the same time all over the place, freaking out all over the place, the movement controls seem to be unaffected by this so you can still control where he goes and if you press up he gets locked in a launcher until you stop the input. I'm really impressed with this build and I'm very excited of what's to come (I'll keep messing around with the build to see if I discover anything new)


I'm not good at fighting games or video games in general, so all I can say is that it feels nice! The sounds are good too and I'm really glad to see this kind of art style again.


Sort of wish the animation was a little more faster


Hey! Loving the build so far! Most of the praise has already been said by the other patrons and my thoughts on the game's art and design are all mostly the same so kudos! The only three things I'd like to touch on are: -If you could maybe add a monitor selection option in the video settings menu, and/or a way to move around the game window. As of now it seems the game is locked to the center of the main monitor, which is logical, but at the same time it would be convenient to be able to change where it's being displayed at. -The second one is more of a question rather than a request. The basic air combo ends with a "down-air attack" or a spike so to say, which is pretty neat. At the same time I find myself often trying to perform this spike right after I launch an enemy into the air, since sometimes my first reaction to a launcher that only needs one attack, instead of a combo, to be performed, is to knock the enemy right back down, instead of having to perform the air combo that leads to the spike. I assume this is intentional and I'm sure you guys are gonna add more air attacks in the future, but what would be the reason the spike should only be performed after a combo? I'd love to hear on that as I'm sure you got a totally understandable reason for it that I haven't thought of yet. -Lastly is the height set for the enemy after it's hit by a launcher. I know you've said that in the full release, the more you charge your attacks the more damage they will do. However, wouldn't it also make sense for the enemies to be launched higher the more you charge the attack? Obviously the reason why it's not implemented that way is because Bippy also has a height set for his tap jump right after a launcher, no matter how light the tap is, so that you can be lined up horizontally as much as possible to do the air combo. But as someone else said in the comments this feels too artificial and restrictive. I've noticed you can jump higher after a launcher if you do a normal max height jump by holding the jump button, but you can't do an air combo at max height since it takes longer to get there and the enemy launch height is set too low, so maybe it could be possible to make it a variable based on how long the attack button is being held, instead of a constant value, or maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself? Either way thanks for all the hard work and keep it up!


The launcher issue has been fixed in the latest update! It was supposed to slightly change the height but it seemed to factor that out.


Really happy with the launcher changes in this recent build, it feels a lot easier to follow up into an air combo consistently. Also very happy with hitting my first 22 combo http://werema.games/22.mp4


I got a 24 once tonight but feeling practically capped at 23 for now


Awesome job, you guys!! I especially love the animations. Getting combos in are insanely satisfying. Interested in seeing how the enemies will create a fun challenge!


Bit late to this but I've been playing around a bit going for combos yada yada yada basically everyone before me has sung the game's praises to hell and back before me so I don't really feel I have much to add in that aspect. But what I can add is that while my game was running butter smooth, about 1900 fps on an average, until I clicked out of the game to which my computer basically had the equivalent to a heart attack, it wouldn't respond to any inputs and the fans went into overdrive. By the time this happened I had the game running for about 2 hours and 15 minutes and only had discord running in the back, can't say weather it was a memory leak or my cpu over clocking all I know is I had to restart my pc. It's not like it was the first time I've clicked out of the game before I've done it plenty, my cpu is an i7-8700 and I've got 8GB of ram, this could just be an issue with my pc which I think is highly probable but I thought was still worth reporting on.


As an indie dev making a game with a rabbit character I saw this and fell in love IMMEDIATELY. Love the idea and the execution thus far. It feels like the smoothness of Mega Man 8 with the punch of X4 Zero and the style of an arcade beat'em up. Super excited to see where this goes!

Two Tone

i played this for about 20 minutes. and then turned on raymen and jammed through some of those levels on the switch because they were so similar and i wanted more. it seems like you are trying to take a lot from x, but for some reason i suspect your headed towards the direction of cup head.

Two Tone

are you going with a metroid vania style map build or a more traditional level screen ?? also can you build a box map hyper senario i put up a bunch of suggestions on the twitch stream when you were playing the demo. but i don't know if they were seen or not. i'm sorry for being so inthusastic it's just that i also am into concept art for video games p.s. thank you for letting me patron you guys. i look forward to being in the credits


Hello tried the build! Personally I think he feels a little slow when he's walking but the combat was fun! It was cool being able to uppercut the sandbags and catch them in the air with a combo. Can't wait for build 2


Great Demo! The combat and combos were really fun to pull off, but personally I think that Bippy moves a bit slower, than I think he should. But that is just my opinion. Keep up the good work, and can't wait for more.


I'm having a blast with the build, so much that I may get a blister on my thumb! The highest combo I could figure out how to get is 23. Eagerly awaiting the next test build!


After hearing about it on stream I managed to figure out how to knock one of the punching bags in the lower left over the wall and into the tunnel, that was super cool to figure out.


I know this build was a long while ago and people probably potentially mentioned this (couldn't find any through find function though), but if you up-punch repetitively at the edge of the first platform with the ladder to the left, You'll move a pixel to the right every time, causing you to float in the air. I know you said you redid the collision system recently though, so perhaps you circumvented it through that. Awesome stuff though! Had fun testing it out on my GPD Win 2.