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Ben is the only male (old fashioned kind) I’ve ever seen with cellulite


Surprised Devon didn’t bring up his Uncle Stan, he had some great legends of him driving nearing cliffs during stormy weather and occasionally going off the edge… heard something about a cassette tape.


God damn it Ben now I'm convinced that I have BPD because that is exactly how I am fuck that's the second time you've opened my eyes

Matthew D

Pull em’ honey, they’re saggin’

Brandon Obaza

59:39 Who can forget the big tit girls of their school? Mine were Carla and Sarah. Their last names started with G and F, just like their cup size. When you're 13, and a girl in school has tits bigger than her head, your dick is in agony. Sad to think they're both pushing 40 and those tits are dragging on the floor right now.

Brandon Obaza

Can't wait for Uncle Stanley's dementia to kick in. He'll be standing in the street, screaming, "a FAGGOT lives here!!!", pointing at his own house. 16:45 Sex ist ein Schlacht, Jace. Liebe ist Krieg.

Brett Thornell

Kat Williams saying “I am Q” just killed me