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Directed and edited by the great Vladyslav Kapytsia @vladkapytsia on twitter and instagram https://twitter.com/vladkapytsia https://www.instagram.com/vladkapytsia/?hl=en

Thank you to Conner McNutt, Shawn Gardini, and Jake Rhodes (Pendejo Time podcast)

Thank you to Brian Redban for letting us perform at your club. The staff kicked ass

Coming to the east coast soon. Tickets will be at lemonparty.life


John Alvarez

thanks fellas i was hoping to get access to this after seeing it on ben’s story

Alex Hedstrom

Too late, I already shot up a raising canes

Sean Hill

If by “works” you mean “makes me hard” then, yes.

Michael watts

George bush does not care about black people

Jacob Fain

I love Conner so much man

Steven Blea

Is this the version with the N word edited out?

Andrew Kline

Thanks Ben. Now you won’t get roasted to death in the comments anymore. If you ever do a NYC show…you need to have Joe Matarese open for y’all


Fun fact, i went to this event a smoked before and my retard friend decided to tell me there was a shooting threat before. Fuck you Josh


Was really hoping it would be the diaper weigh-in on loop for 3 hours…

Jack Vandelay

“Im gay! Im gay. Alright have a good night folks.”


After one year of watching the show I figured out that Devan’s gay, Jace is the fat one and Ben’s, you know. Allahu Akbar.

Trey G

Be sure and come to Atlanta!




devin was nervous af when shane came lol

Sgt Taco Meat

Yeah it’s great.👍🏼

Alex Bryant

Thanks again for signing my blood meridian copy and the poster. The show was great and Ill send yall the racist video my friend made alongside all the news shit this weekend when I get to editing it.


Ah man I can’t wait to watch this I wish I’d attended now massive fomo this is gonna be le epic 🍋

Michael Storino

Not trying to tell you how to run your show fellas, but I'm not sure I want to come see the live show if I can potentially be seated next to someone who is COMPETITIVELY filling a diaper for a hundred fucking dollars.

Joe Herd

It's hilarious that Ben didn't get the Delonte West 7-11 joke

Johnny Malloy

Ben doing the "Norm MacDonald Live" Jokes segment was amazing. Some of Ben's joke deliveries were classic Norm. RIP.


Absolutely phenomenal 👍🏿


Cheers to OP!


If you’re not shitting in a diaper at a live show, you’re a FUCKING FAGGOT. AND what kind of name is Micheal Storino? Do you come from a long line of Italians storing 12 year old boys inside pasta boxes en route to the Vatican. Pea brained, brick laying retard. Kisses x


Sorry I didn’t make it, I couldn’t find my favourite AR-15.


I'm gay, and I'm gay.

Michael Yearout

Thanks for a great show. I swooned when Devan shook my hand. My Mexican girlfriend cried laughing at Conner’s set.


This podcast was edited and produced by: The Soviet Union.

fk bud

i came 4 times during this pod! very good!


Caught a nasty case of Covid at this show. Thanks Retards.

E L î

Shane and jace are insanely massive up close. Theyre god damn nephilim

E L î

你是同性恋。我是中国人 Ching chong bing bong 去他妈的犹太人

Michael Storino

Micheal is a gay name, but my name is Michael you fucking retard. If you want to be so much like the Lemon Party guys, read a motherfucking book sometime, you illerate retail-working, rude, jaded cunt.

E L î

Austin truly is the retard capital.


Unbelievably funny!

Wet Cigs

Couldnt even goon to the other one. I was about to to paint the ceiling of my bathroom with my head. You saved me Benjamin, thank you.

You Effo

Looking forward to catching you on the east coast. I'm gay!

Abdallah Hiffiz

A fat-positive masculine environment for krinkling-play. So traditional yet progressive. I would have gladly forced my friend to relieve himself in the crowd to win the prize money.


I’ve just got to the tie dyed guy on lexapro sitting with Jace and I’m having to pause bc this is so hilarious I have never seen anything like this lmao. This must be like how cucks feel when they watch marvel vs avengers and like their different superheroes are in each others franchises or whatever it’s so surreal

Gregory Frosst

Lame to feel pride but as a day one supporter who had never been a patron of anything before I will choose this moment to allow myself the merest hint of satisfaction at a solid leap of faith investment. Keep it up boys, very good...


Chinese Mike laughing his ass off was great

Joey C



When Shane came on stage, it was like Jesus himself blessing the show. Long live the Lemonheads


This is probably the best live podcast I’ve ever watched. Really stuck the landing with Shane and the diaper contest and all that. Great work


Haha I feel the same sorta crazy to see then with Shane Gillis and doing live shows from when it was just them in the old room with no decent decorations or neon signs and Devan sitting on the bed or whatever etc ages ago doing their first shows. Feel vicariously proud of those retards.


My best friend Jace Avery did great

Samuel Patterson

I am surprised it was so short, surely with Shane only being there for the last 15 minutes they would just keep it going. Seemed like they were only just getting started. the questions for the audience were like icebreakers then it just ended. Still funny as fuck though and makes me jealous I don't live in America to be able to watch something as retarded as this live


The weighing daip daip thingies is like the live’s equivalent of when Ben makes everyone watch 30 mins of mukbang or fat people at the beginning of the episode. But nonetheless good effort trying to integrate the crowd. All very heartwarming stuff very funny to see LP live, an epic crossover, may the successes abound and continue 🍋


Also Shane on stage within two minutes talking about how hard it is being a famous comedian meeting Tom Hanks is really giving that Bertcast energy, sorta expected him to rattle off some tour dates there


I am from Denmark, making 300k a year. This show saved my life🙏


allah akbuhar rtards. Love Shane for showing up


This was really excellent, very good laughs and great production value.

Carson Bertrand

The lemon party live shows are skankfest for people with a humiliation fetish and a laundry list of medications aka faggots

Sean O'Hara

It’s like killtony meets those Japanese punishment games shows but for trailer park incest retards

Joe Tweet

Shane could loosen up

Russ Sibbison

An excellent performance from the boys, you seem in your element in the format with Ben the retard ring leader and Jace and Devan riffing like pros. Very good.

Ryan Blankenship

I’ll never forgive myself for not being able to go to any of these shows

Vaughn Collins

I like the notecard jokes, very Norm Macdonald of you fellas, some of the jokes even sound like something he’d appreciate.

Russ Sibbison

Shane was awesome too, what a good cunt for jumping up and having a laugh with the boys. Bring the show to Australia retards!

Travis G

Boy this was retarded. Keep up the good work!

Ryan Blankenship

Ben’s monologue is just more racist norm McDonald

Chris Mullin

Bruh you got Shane you got to upload this on YouTube will get at least 3000k subs from it

Chris Mullin

Ahhh to see where a few racist jokes can get you truly the American dream

Simon MacRae

Shout out to the fellow Québécois Lemonparty fan. Montreal show when??

Dr sponge

Gangster stuff not doing this one public where you could easily have to be your most viewed video

Tom S

PR wise, this might be the smartest thing Shane has ever done

Jason Fontaine

An actual Shane guest ep would break YouTube


Blessed are the DAWGZ on this glorious day 🙏🏼


dating a Kleenex... lol, nice to see Devon in his element instead of calling John gay for not knowing 70s Hollywood actresses just for fun

Cum Tsunami

I'm more retarded for having watched this. Bueno.

Cole Ferry

Crazy but believable that the entire staff is implicitly saying “n****rf****t” with a hard R


I can't wait for the east coast "Tour", this was fantastic.


What a fucking gift guys, thank you for this…truly. VERY GOOOOOD!!!


I could feel the chemistry between jace and shane. Theyd but fun to listen to.


Hell yeah brother! I wish I could have been there!

Cole Ferry

By the time I learned that this is Redban’s club though, I am not the least bit surprised with the dialect of the staff


I feel like Shane arrived and they were like fuck these retards the big comedy man who is friends with Tom hanks is here. Devan’s open contempt for the audience really contrasted to his sucking off shane. I’m reminded of the inbetweeners football friend bit “oooo friend, comedy friend ooooo”. Devan’s relationship to the fans is sorta like a cam girl who hates the simps who pay her wages and bitches about them behind off camera but needs them to survive, it’s a symbiotic relationship

Samuel Patterson

I didn't expect you to be British. I get what you mean but I can tell he was just in a particular type of drunken hype, it's a particular mood everyone gets into at some point, no point in really criticising it honestly.


Best fans ever!!!


Yea I got that vibe, I just like to wind Devan up (I know ur reading this Devan btw you queer!!). I think they’d sorta leaned into the ‘our fans are retards bit’ but from the crowd shots they didn’t look any more retarded than your average American tbf. Hopefully Lp eventually comes to the Uk for the four of us that watch it here. If I’m around when they’re doing a NY show i think I’m gonna go but incognito so I don’t get hazed.

Dana Rigamortisaur

Excellent work fellas definitely have to find you guys when you come to the East Coast I'll bring my own diapers. XXXL

Richard Cox

Excited! Proud of You Boys. Hard R 32 diapers genius! Do in your diaper. Hilarious! I was organizing my closet, checked phone. This on. I stopped in my tracks and haven't moved as I watch this. I am very happy to see you guys having a blast on stage.

uncle murmur

I wish I was there for the school scandals question. My elementary school principal witnessed me get interviewed by the secret service for 5 hours when I was 10 and turned out to have CP. His daughter went to our highschool while the story unraveled. We also had highschool used panty selling ring that paid top dollar if you could attach a facebook account to said used panties all to one dude who worked a local pizza place. I've DMed ben and devan about this for juice on LP and hatewatch but I probably sound like a retarded shooter so I get it.


Verrry goood

Danial Shojaeinia

amazing song at the end, great show, bring that ass to Miami guys

Michael Papa

Get Shane on the actual pod

Mr. D

jace post oil patch inhalants about to tear through LA


Very Good!!

Gregory Frosst

MTL Lemonparty club baby, gonna be tempted if they do NYC. We can dream, Ben would love that casual pure laine French Canadian racism.


Faggers and niggots


Lp should go to Newcastle their minds would be literally blown by the accent they’d probably think it was like something out of game of thrones or something

Samuel Patterson

Yeah they'd have a good time witnessing what UK white trash redneck equivalents are little

Coinberg Goldenstein

This is just wholesome. At least in comedy the good guys are winning in life

Booker T


Booker T

Being sober doing this is insane 🤣 I always forget but they prolly do some other gay stuff and don’t tell nobody cbd fags

Tai Ni Pu Na Ni

Devan fan girling is hilarious


I wish I drove xcountry for this, east coast dates I will buy immediately, sending multiple messages to RI comedy connection now! (Boston is lame)

Jason Fontaine

You guys getting people in the audience to shit and piss in XL diapers is the pinnacle of modern American cultural representation. A truly retarded population.


if there isn’t a show in upstate new york i’ll kill myself violently and blame each of you in my suicide note

Rusty Shakleford

I love how Shane stopped in during the final 10 minutes, and Ben, who has been aimlessly wandering through the crowd the whole time finally comes to the stage and weighs a diaper that he paid an audience member to piss, shit, and cum in.


The lemonparty has expired.

Coinberg Goldenstein

Shane randomly showing his beautiful fat retarded face in the end shooting the shit with the boys. Goddamn he's the fucking man.

The Peen.

This fucking rules, you guys fucking rule, Shane fucking rules…thank you for existing and sucking so much ass, so completely, it fucking rules so much.

Coinberg Goldenstein

devan do b lookin like one of those africans otter/monkey things who dig tunnels with the eyes. Lemurians or some shit


My grandma died in my house while watching this episode. Do with that what you will.


Are Americans quarantined or something like half of the posts in this thing are like “can you please play in Poughkeepsie Idaho at gobblers knob for me and my cousin who is also a groundhog”. Aren’t you meant to be the country of the Lone Ranger and the automobile and Paul revere or whatever it’s fuckin bizarre do you people not understand how planes and cars work how you people beat the Indians I will never know maybe that’s why it took you half a millennium to get from NY to LA, the Germans would have done that in literally two and a half years. And in better uniforms too

Mathew Baker

Are you that dumb? There were Germans here. We used em as fodder in the civil war. You’re def Canadian. Go eat a jelly donut and drink a beer out of a shoe.


It’s great to see my favorite comedians/podcasters coming together and weigh diapers of shit and piss. Very good, glorious really.


As a beta male Devan is acutely aware of social status hence he condescends to the fans and sucks up to Shane. Ben, a sigma male, spends time walking around the auditorium and just does his own autistic thing. Jace an alpha male just straight up tells Shane he’s a fag and on heart attack medication and doesn’t care about the response or it being awkward. These three contrasting personality traits are why the pod works.


Thank god the poverty tier still has access to video of this


White people smell like milk and cheese because we can afford to buy milk and cheese


I was front row centre at a Tim show and wore lemon party merch. 15 mins into the show I was escorted out of the building


Hey Devan ... the phone ... keep it in the pocket ... ok buddy?


Sup boys, got my boner pills with the lemon party code


Shane immediately became honorary 4th mic.


He's gonna fry yo mommas festering fishy puss bud.