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David Eric Ricketts

Frank Loyd Kike—he includes a wailing wall in every house he designs.

Chili Chin

Also Ben you just gotta start getting racism out on Xbox Live when ur work is over for the day

Shiso Hanzai

no entiendo que tu dicen, took 10 percs, me arruine mi software

John O

Ben as a fellow dad in his 30s, unless you exercise a LOT it's just inevitable you'll become the dad that constantly does the dad noises when he picks his kid up. They get heavier and you get older each year.


It’s amazing how much weight you can loose off artificial sugar. It fucks your body up so you don’t process your food right and gain a shit load of weight.

Brett Boyd

Damn I guess that OJ and lemon party golf match won't be happening soon...


I miss the golf as well as the comedy skits, I’m hoping they’re writing new one as they are so funny!