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Hi kids! April has been one heck of a frustrating month. I decided a while back if you recall that I should try and squeeze some Top 10s into my line up, and I've gotten the ball rolling on that by starting three separate Top 10 videos, one of which is a Pokemon Top 10. I was sure that I would be able to get at least one if not two finished and up this month but my health took quite a nose dive following tax season and I have basically been in a lot of pain for the last three weeks nonstop. In the interest of recovering and feeling better, I've decided not to take my ADHD medication this month which is extremely dehydrating and makes being healthy difficult, but it also means I've gotten not very much done at all.

Apologies to $15 patrons, I have still not made progress in collecting your shipping info for your Pokemon card rewards. I plan to do that mid next month, so hang in there a bit longer. Thanks for being so patient, I was not prepared to lose so much of my month to health problems.

What I have accomplished is the recording and writing for two out of the three Top 10s and I will spend today, my first good day in a while, doing audio and editing for one so that I can hopefully get at least ONE video up this month. 

I'm gonna also have difficulty getting much done in May, because I'm having a major surgery at the start of the month and won't be able to take my ADHD meds for a while following that either while I recover. Hopefully though this will help solve a lot of the health problems that kept me from working this month and once it's done I will be a far healthier person with more energy to put into things like videos.

I may actually make a video about the surgery after I've recovered (it'll just be an update type thing and I wasn't planning on charging ya'll on Patreon for it) because it's going to be on my nose and therefore is going to have a noticeable impact on the way I look which may be confusing to viewers if I don't explain it. I'd especially not like people to think it was a frivolous cosmetic decision and have young viewers get the wrong idea about that type of surgery. 

So yeah, hope that catches everything up to speed. My goal for today is to get one Top 10 at least 90% finished so that I can upload it for early access Patrons some time this week and get it live for everyone else by the weekend. Wish me luck!



Hope you get well soon :)

Shawn Heatherly

Feel better, dear. Your health is of the most importance.