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Here we go, the storyboard for the second Disney video. This one I put a little more care into just because I had the time to do it and I really needed the illustrations for the whiteboard parts to be super clear. 

But it does get sloppier as I go on. Sometimes when you're on a roll you just gotta get things written out as fast as possible to keep up with your brain.

These notes really helped me keep track of which parts to draw in what order, where I would erase the image, and whether or not I would use a jump cut or show the process of drawing the whole image out. There were some parts I wanted to give a more animated effect.

18 and 19 here were part of a deleted scene. Initially I planned to talk about the many print-out-able certificates you could earn in these games, since nearly every single one I covered had at least one. At first I thought this might have been due to the novelty of cheap home color printers in 1997, but it turned out that inkjet printers had existed since the late 80s, so my point was moot and actually filming the printer itself turned out to be an ordeal since my black ink cartridge was jammed. I ended up just cutting it, because there wasn't really a funny angle to approach it from if I couldn't make fun of how exciting printers were in the late 90s.

Originally for the scene with the pyramid scale puzzle, I wanted to have some reaction shots in there to add to the comedy and variety of shots I could use in the montage. Unfortunately filming my own face is extremely time consuming and doing my make up for 5 seconds of film just sometimes isn't worth it. Not to mention how many continuity problems I would have trying to get my face and hair to look the same as it had 3 months earlier when I filmed the intro and original outro. If I had planned the project better from the start, I could have filmed it all at once, but I didn't have a script yet for part 2 when I left for Japan.  Oh well!

Didn't come up with the idea to make the representative for the Disney higher ups Pete until a little later.

The very last clip was supposed to be the resolution to the joke at the beginning of Part 1, where Tinkerbell turned my Mac into a crappy old computer. The joke would be that she wouldn't come turn it back because she had actually tricked me and stollen my fancy rig. I was really attached to this idea and this joke and it was a very last minute decision to cut it, but with the overall length of the video already pushing 30 minutes, I really didn't need ANOTHER ending on top of the second whiteboard bit, and I still needed space somewhere in the video to plug my Patreon. So ultimately I referenced the idea in the opening text slides and left it at that. If I had made better scripting decisions earlier on, I could have cut all of my 3 month old footage and not have been so very constrained by it all along, because without the resolution to that joke I really didn't need the intro to be what it was either. These are the kind of mistakes you learn from though. I'm relieved the video turned out as well as it did given the hell I went through trying to write it.



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