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Generally, the first step in making any video is to play the game! And while you play the game, you get ideas for things to talk about in your script. I try to take notes while I play so that I remember some of those ideas I have in the moment about funny things that happen or points I'd like to make. These would probably be more useful in the end if I also recorded time codes to match them exactly to my footage, but most of the time just jotting the ideas down is enough to remind me what the basic idea was.

Attached you will find the raw scans of these notes for both the Disney Interactive Computer Games and Educational Games videos, since I played all the games for both in the same sitting. But because my hand writing is near impossible to read, I'm gonna also transcribe them in text here for ya. It might be interesting to see how many of these observations made it into the final video, and how many didn't. You'll also notice I played one more game than I actually covered in the end. Enjoy!

Disney Interactive Notes

     RtR with Pooh:
-Sings a song about being safe
-Animal Crossing
-Roasting Rabbit
-Can't lose most of these games
-Rooh and Eeore are me
-Print-out-Detective badge
-Can more or less trial and error your way into a win, but I feel like that in itself teaches kids about computer problems. Problem solving/critical thinking/resourcefulness 

     RfM with Pooh:
-We Harvest Moon now
-The safety song is back
-Animation quality is great
-Were these successful as educational games? Well, I suck at both spelling and math, so who knows
-Hitbox on these cupcakes suck
-Can skip voice samples by clicking
-Reuses voice samples from Ready to Read
-Is Veronica Taylor in this game?
-Tigger - Reading peoples' mail is a felony
-Collecting bugs for the garden? That's not how it works...
-Bug sorting certificate
-loved the contraptions as a kid
    RfM with Pooh 2
-Post crash, checking to see if it saved progress
-It did save. This game actually encourages playing games on multiple difficulty settings for extra rewards

     Toy Story
-I'm losing at a game for 6-y-o
-Game glitch at 30:27?
-Video quality isn't bad for 1996
-This is the creepiest shit
-Music box broke the sound
-Intro is unskippable
-Certificate of merit
-Overall, not as baby-ish as the Pooh stage. Challenging and intensity for older kids

Re-Recording without mouse visible -_-
Still need to re-save RtR with Pooh

     101 Dalmatians
-audio issues :(
-freezes >.<

     101 Dalmatians XP
-actually runs better for Windows XP
-not as well animated
-has anyone ever pointed out how dumb it is to make a coat out of puppies?
-teaches vocab
-different from the activity center
-old guy nearly got this kid molested - 20:00
-like, wouldn't you want to
[stage?] a puppy mill of some kind?
-Most of this game is just making messes
[dogs?] don't seem so bad - 26:47
-Awfully cheery for the subject matter - 33:10
-Ruins the tension of the story a little - 35:26
-Shot DOWN - 37:05
-This shit creeped me out as a kid - 40:33
-screw the puppies, we got games - 43:23
-this is pretty boring - 45:37
-creepy game - 51:23
-I used to remember why they didn't get earthquakes in London
-Fetch is so hard to control
-When does this game take place? Is Roger a game dev?
-They just keep 101 puppies? Forever?

-The "pick-a-page" or quit used to scare me
-Hera - no.
-"Grape juice"
-Go back to the first page to see what they say about Hera
-The night sky is super boring
-This one doesn't have original songs, but the CD ROM can double as an audio CD
-Is Danny DaVito in this game?
-This one is pretty boring
-The arrows in this version are hard to click
-The end is coming
-What was that deal Herc
-"Here are some other things you might want to know"
-Mostly I still just remember what scared me about these games

-8 bit color
-This animated story book is an activity center hybrid
-The cursor isn't working right
-I remember screwing up the printer
-It ignores your dress
-George Takei ♡

-Printable "culture" card
-Is it really Harvey Firestein?
-This one has good mini-games
-YASSS the song!!!
-Def Harvey Firestein

     Aladdin Math
-Still doesn't work on Win 98
-Hello not-Robbin-Williams
-Papers Please
-Are these impressions? Or just voices?
-This one has a plot!

-Lookit this 3D!
-1997 jokes
-Wow, on the highest difficulty this is great. Or I'm bad at math
-Maybe not all of them are hard
-Clearly, not all of your work is A-symmetrical
-STFU Yago
[ifan? easy?] logic puzzles still
-Why would you hide your lamp?
-GAH - fortune teller
-These animations...
[math equations for the pyramid puzzle]
-This is for 9 y o!?!?

     Magic Artist
-It's the only one that just doesn't talk
-Easy to accidentally close the program
-These sound effects are SO annoying
-Actually not a terrible program for kids for graphic design. Can do lots of stuff
-The play sets were some of my fav parts
-How to draw disney characters
-Drawing free form with a mouse is hard
-Better off following along with a pencil and paper
-On the "How to draw" section, the music is too loud for the voice over
-Doing these steps out of order kinda sucks
-Hands are NOT that easy!
-This probably did help teach me to train my eye to see details




Lol its ok, I know how it is to have atrocious handwriting...

Shawn Heatherly

Cool seeing how the development process starts off. Even if it's just a minor note, I can see how they'd help jog your memory.