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I have enjoyed having a month off but I'm itching to get some content made. I am tentatively planning at least two videos for December. I have ideas for three, but considering I am still working several days a week at my other job I don't know what my new production cycle is going to look like quite yet. I hope that I will find the energy on my days off to push ahead on content, but it's hard to know until I get into it how well that is actually going to work. That said I am SO EXCITED to come back because I have spent November playing a bunch of games and writing scripts in my head and I have so much to share with you all!!

The two videos I will 100% make sure get made in December:

1. A Playstation Collection video
2. Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green review

The playthrough for the latter is done and I have pages and pages of notes I just have to organize them and write them into a script that I'm happy with (which is the part that will take the longest) but I think once I get going on it it'll fall into place.

The final video I'd like to make but it may need to wait until January is... Well, as some of you know, I recently sold a somewhat rare YouTube Partner reward that I happened to have two of to JackSucksatLife. I used the proceeds from that sale to finance the purchase of an extremely rare game that I have wanted for 18 years, Magic Knight Rayearth for the Sega Saturn. It's happens to be an incredibly interesting game as it was localized by a company called Working Designs who is somewhat notorious for their creative liberties taken in localization, was actually planned as a launch title for the system and ended up being the last game ever released for it in North America, and on top of that my personal quest for the game and my attachment to the Magic Knight Rayearth franchise gives me well... quite a bit to say. Anyway I am beyond hyped to make a video about it.

So this is what you can look forward to in December! I will keep you updated as much as I can as to when to expect uploads, when and how often this month you will be charged, etc. The tl;dr is that there will be at least two videos, but possibly three. I also am going to be making cameo appearances in some other places soon, the first of which was a Did You Know Gaming episode on Fire Red and Leaf Green that I did the voiceover for that was released today! More to come!



I wholeheartedly agree with Shawn!


I agree with Shawn: if I were you, I would take the next two videos to figure out a production cycle that works for your current job and routine, no pressure. Looking forward to your FRLG review, since those are my least favorite games in the series.