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As the image above explains, this is somewhat bittersweet. But also pretty exciting. I wasn't too worried about sharing this news with you, because for most of my long time Patrons, one month between uploads is nothing. Y'all have been with me through thick and thin. However I was really enjoying the 3 videos a month and I'll miss it on my break I'm sure.

I have one more video that I've been working on for October that will be in early access this Thursday come hell or high water. I unfortunately did not find a sponsor for it because my knowledge of procuring sponsors is somewhat outdated and I'm still figuring out how it's done in modern YouTube, so it'll be a pledge supported video. But after that the plan is to take November off. 




Congrats on the new job!

Sean Fineran

A little late, but congrats, nonetheless! We're here to support you however we can. 👍