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Alright, it's a night later than anticipated. Something came up on Monday that put me a bit behind. So this will go live on Sunday for everyone and will be in early access til then. Enjoy! Next week is my week off so I'll see you the following week.


My Weird Nintendo 3DS Collection (2020) - Tama Hiroka


Shawn Heatherly

As someone who owns nearly 30 Amiibo, I can't disagree with criticism of them; there is no real convenient place to keep them and they're not fancy enough to act like a display piece. There are still Amiibo I don't own that I want because I like the character, but I'm definitely moving away from them and towards nicer figures. The 3DS having less fond memories because it was mostly tied to your work sounds totally fair to me, and it's kind of nice to hear because your closing point was that you didn't need gaming as much at this point in your life. Less important, but now I really want to see you do a video on Chibi Robo.