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Starting July 1st, Patreon will be charging sales tax on pledge rewards based on location. The good news is, the only one of my tiers that might be taxable is the $2 tier, the rest are exempt in most places. The bad news is pledging to any of my tiers includes all tiers below it which means everyone will probably get charged a little bit of sales tax. Interestingly, pledging between tiers might mean you wont get taxed at all since you're not obviously paying for a specific product/reward. If you're in the UK, you were already paying sales tax and don't have to worry about any changes (but sorry you already had to pay). Hopefully this should not seriously impact anyone's finances given the tax is on a $2 value, but I understand if it's an issue and you need to drop your pledge. If you need to read more about why this is happening and what will be charged, you can check out this resource on Patreon.

Video work is going forward as planned, and I'm making myself miserable working on a massive Animal Crossing video essay that's requiring me to maintain so many Animal Crossing towns at once my head might explode. But I'm really excited with how it's turning out, so I can't wait to share it in early June!


Shawn Heatherly

I'm sure the AC video will be worth the headache.