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Hello Patrons!

In case there are some of you here that do not also follow me on Twitter, I figure I owe you a good update on what's goin' on today/this week! I am, drumroll please...

Uploading! A new video! For you!

It will be a pretty standard Pokémon Top 10, so nothing ground breaking, but it will be pretty decent production value and a good 14 minutes long. Aka, exactly what most of you probably are looking for in an upload from yours truly. I am also writing another Pokémon Review along the lines of my Diamond and Pearl video from last year, so you have that to look forward to. 

This year has been a giant blur, and a lot of it has been very frustrating in terms of trying to get any kind of video content done. It has been a good year for me in my personal life, but I am now going to school full time (which I haven't done in YEARS, I have always done part-time because of my ADHD) and I am also holding down a part-time job. In the past year I've moved, and my apartment has been under actual construction for the entirety of the time I've lived here. They are finally, finally finished, but for a good chunk of the year I haven't even had most of my equipment unpacked and the room that was going to be my office was almost completely empty. So even though I had those plans in January to attempt to do a weekly/bi-monthly less effort Let's Play type series, the construction put that on hold and eventually it just seemed impossible altogether. 

But now I think I finally, really have worked out a solution that will enable me to make videos at least somewhat frequently again, and this will be the first of what I hope will be at least one a month, as I originally planned. I've decided to put some of my earnings from work into hiring various contributors to minimize the amount of time and effort I personally need to put into each upload, and therefore hopefully result in at least breaking even per video, if not resulting in a return on my investment. All I want really is to maintain the value of the channel that I have poured years of my life into. So the fact that you all have pledged is part of what will make this possible. The number of you that have pledged will at least cover the production cost of the video which will enable me to make investments like this again in the future. So sincerely I am so grateful that you all have not only waited so patiently in the past year for me to come back, but some of you have even become pledges in that time! 

My heart is full and I am very excited to share the first of what I hope will be many semi-regular videos with you. Tonight you will get the early access version and it will go public for all by the weekend. Please note that I will be charging for this video so if your financial situation has changed since you have pledged make sure you are prepared to pay the amount in your pledge!

Thanks so much again, and enjoy!



Wow, your D/P Review was last year...?! Yeah, I guess it was...! That’s crazy to think about... Excited for a new release from ya~ :3