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Hey kids!

My nose is feeling mostly better. I just wanna wait for it to be a little less sore before I try putting makeup on and shooting a video about it. But I am getting bored so I will probably film within the next week or so.

The other thing I wanted to mention is that I'm kind of, for now, abandoning the concept of doing the show in seasons and focusing more on what I'm interested in at the moment. It was a fun thought experiment but ultimately my goal now is just to get a lot of videos out that are entertaining and maybe don't all follow a theme. YouTube is getting a bit unfun when I put so many restrictions on myself. Perhaps someday I'll return to the season idea when I can focus for longer periods at a time. With ADHD brains you get periods of productivity and periods of not, and in the periods of not you shouldn't work against what your brain wants to do if it actually feels like doing something.

So currently the videos I have already started production on are:

A Pokémon Diamond and Pearl review

A Top 10 Launch Titles list

A Top 10 Kirby Air Ride Machines list

and the video about my surgery.

It's kind of a hodgepodge of stuff I know but I'm pretty excited about all these things right now so I figured I'd just roll with it.

This month, May, I will probably get the update video up and then maybe finish the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl review or one of the Top 10 lists. So with luck that'll be at least two videos and only one that I'll be charging for.



Fantastic that things seem to be on the upswing. Cant wait to see the new videos and you should always have fun. Im sure as much work as you put in them theyll be great. :) Feel better!!!


<3 recover soon :)