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I have been trying for many reasons to create content once a month this year. I am now working on at least 3 videos simultaneously: Pokemon Lifestyle/Fitness Devices (Pokewalker, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Sleep, etc), Pokemon Public Health Incidents, and a full review of HeartGold SoulSilver. The Public Health incidents video was supposed to be this month's video, but I have now written 7 pages and I'm still only half done with the script. Jonna suggested the Lifestyle/Fitness Devices to segue into the health incidents and tie both more neatly in with HGSS. It's a great idea, but I need to borrow multiple devices from Jonna to make that happen which means they won't get here until too late to make a video about them this month. HGSS is underway via group playthrough in the discord, but it is a long game and not one that you can get much out of if you rush things so it was never the plan to finish that this month.

When I realized that neither of the Pokemon health videos would be done this month, I thought about making a tutorial from footage I already recorded of how to connect to fan servers in Gens 4 & 5 to take advantage of online trading and battling and other features in current day. But TPCi has been on a rampage of takedowns for fan stuff lately, so publicizing these fan servers right now seems risky, and I don't want to be the reason they end up on the radar of the wrong people. So that was ruled out a few days later.

FINALLY I thought about making an unscripted video explaining how I plan my 100% Pokemon playthroughs, spreadsheet building, what I keep track of, what I research, how I route it, etc. So I got all dolled up, set up OBS, and recorded probably half of that video today. The thing is it's 4 hours long of just me researching and planning teams and I haven't even gotten to the routing yet of managing single use TMs and whatnot. I have no idea if it will end up remotely entertaining or even useful to anyone and it will at the very least be a nightmare to edit.

So tldr, my question is, since you are the ones supporting the content primarily, is this something you want this month even if I finish recording it and it ends up being very long and possibly hard to follow? Or do you think maybe I should go back to the drawing board?



I would watch a video of your process 100% completing pokemon games multiple times all the way through. I've always been more of a beat the mainstory and complete pokedex and move on but more recently have been trying to 100% emerald and older games. and ngl would love seeing your process!

Olivia Haines

I love this video idea! I think your 100% playthroughs are fascinating, I'd really love to learn more about the details of your approach to the games