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In The Twisted Treeline

All characters are 18 or over.

The summoner mumbled as he walked along the cobblestone path. The trees of the Twisted Treeline flanked him on each side. The place didn’t get many visitors and was always a good place for when he wanted to avoid people, especially if he wanted to yell to the high heaven about that foul furry devil. That damn yordle was the reason he has been on a losing streak lately, and those freaking mushrooms of his. “Damn you Teemo!” yelled the summoner, not noticing that soft padding across the cobblestone was replaced by the rustling of leaves and snapping of twigs underfoot.

“Huh?” said the summoner as he heard the sound of snapping vines before his world was turned upside down, as he was rapidly pulled upward into the trees. Swinging upside down from the trees he spotted the plant women. Her rose-red hair that trailed behind her, and her skin the color of amber. Clothing of verdant green leaves wrapped around her body.

“Where are your friends, or it is just you?” said the woman.

“Ah, friends. Yes, they’re everywhere, just a little further away. So don’t hurt me Zyra.” said the summoner feeling the blood rushing to his head.

“You think yourself clever, but don’t worry I won’t hurt you. Much.” Zyra ran her thorned finger along with the robes of the upside-down summoner, circling his crotch. “It is pollination season, and there is just a dreadful lack of candidates in the forest.”

A thrown spear went flying towards the plant woman, but in an instant, vines sprouted from the  ground and blocked the projectile.  From the shadows, a cougar jumped into the clearing of the forest. A whorl of leaves and wind surrounded the courage as she formed into the shape of a woman, clothed in furs. 

“I saw him first Zyra,” said the older looking woman.

“Oh Nidalee, I’m sure he’d rather have a beautiful flower, than an old hag,” said Zyra as more plants sprouted along the ground and shot vines towards Nidalee, only for her to jump out of the way.

“Don’t I have a say in this?” Asked the summoner. “Also I think I’m about to faint.” The lightheadedness from being upside was just getting worse with every passing second. The vines around his legs release, dropping him into an oversized flower that formed just before he hit the ground. 

“Fine. The choice is obvious, he’ll choose me, and then you can sulk off and lick your paws,” said Zyra as the vines wrapping around the clearing receded.

“Summoner. Wouldn’t you rather spend the mating season in my den, while my body keeps your body company by a warm fire, or stuck here in a first with dirt and leaves, while this thorned wench plots to use as mulch when she is done with you,” said Nidalee, while she pulled down the fur top wrapped around her bountiful chest.

“I already agreed to not hurt him. Unless he asks for it.” The plant woman twisted a vine into the shape of a whip, before letting it fade into the leaf-covered floor below. “Fertilizing me will be far more rewarding, than being with that cat. I have all of nature’s bounty of the offer. And a beautiful unaging body.” said Zyra as she put the emphasis on unaging.

The summoner pushed his hands into the flower, righting his body, and behind adjusting so he had a proper look at the two having an argument he never expected in his life to be about him. “Can I choose both?” said the overly hopeful summoner.

“No,” said both the plant woman and the shapechanger in unison. 

“Age before beauty, show him how disappointing spending the season with you would be,” said Zyra with a smirk.

Nidalee finished pulling off her top and placed herself below the summoner. “Shh, I’ll show you why experience is worth it.” With skillful hands, she pushed up his robes and pulled down his underwear. 

With just her hands, she squeezed her breasts around the summoner’s penis, fully enveloping the shaft with their large size. Holding them tight together she started to push them up and down his cock. “Just imagine, these even larger filled with milk, while I’m pregnant with your young.” The large warm mounds squished and flowed around his hard cock, then the tip of the shaft vanished and reappeared for just a moment as Nidalee used her chest to pleasure the summoner. “I have so many tricks to show you. Imagine every morning, and every night for the season, us joining together. Our warm bodies pressing against each other as we mate like wild animals. Just the way nature intended.”

The summoner was already so close, the heat and sensation of this wanna-be milf had already had him on edge. The wild scent that trailed around the fur coat that trailed along her body. The images that danced in his head as she painted the scene. A future with Nidalee, rutting like animals in heat, abandoning civilianization. In his aroused hazed it seemed like such a wonderful idea. Was he even giving up anything important?”

Wrapped in her breasts, the summoners dick twitch as the blood pumped harder. The edge was being breached, as he felt it pulsing. The white substance spurted out of his cock, and rained along the breasts of the cougar woman. Nidalee pulled back, and ran her tongue along her chest, lapping up the substance, then winked at the summoner.

“So Zyra, your turn, if you even know how humans mate,” said Nidalee while she grabbed her top off the ground and swirled in her hand.

With his mind cleared from the orgasm, the summoner started to try to crawl away while the two were busy insulting each other. Only to be blocked by a wall of spiked vines.

“Oh, where are you going? We aren’t done. Not by a long shot.” said Zyra as she towered over the crawling summoner.


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