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Unfortunately, I am unable to compile the premium edition at this particular moment in time. I am working to rectify that issue as soon as possible, ideally before the weekend.

In the meantime, I have released a new version of the free edition. It thankfully does not depend on my personal hardware, so I do free releases at almost any time. It contains the following fixes and improvements:

I also have been making plans for 1.0.11, which I would like to share with you:

  • I recently implemented an EXR writer into AssetRipper's imaging library. This will be integrated into the main AssetRipper project to improve lighting data export.

  • There have been a lot of GitHub issues posted lately about MonoBehaviour structure reading. I want to investigate these and resolve any unrelated to [SerializeReference].

  • To reduce user confusion, I want to also detect MonoBehaviours using [SerializeReference], so I can warn instead of error for them.

  • Some users have reported performance issues with the editor format conversion step. I want to investigate that.

  • Patreon Discord Bot to issue subscriber roles in the Discord server?

For 1.0.12, I tentatively plan on making it a quality of life update. I should be back on my feet, so I will be able to do a lot of work on the project. These are the items I anticipate prioritizing, but I am open to suggestions.

  • I want to polish some of the premium features. For example, static mesh separation has at least one reported issue, and user-defined package export should be modified to prevent exporting package scripts.

  • I want to do asynchronous loading in the UI for resource intensive operations like serialization of large assets.

  • I want to do asset paging, instead of having assets in a long list.

  • I'm hesitant to say this due to the potential complexity, but I would love to implement progress bars for loading and export.

  • I want to have the "load and export" button that one user requested.

  • Maybe support for DDS and KTX?

Beyond 1.0.12, my plans are less defined and more flexible to user requests. I may do polls asking for subscriber input to help decide on development priorities. I'd like to:

  • Introduce new experimental features for premium users to test.

    • I've been contemplating shader decompilation for a while and the best ways to provide it. There is an existing solution in the project from the skilled nes, which focuses on DirectX. My initial work will be public and will likely resolve some issues caused by Unity changing the shader blob format. For the premium edition, I'd like to start a new framework for decompiling a variety of shader platforms, including Vulkan and DirectX.

    • An export mode for my WIP C# decompiler

    • Enhanced Prefab Outlining

  • Go through the list of GitHub issues and thoroughly bug squash.

  • Reduce AssetRipper's size, so I can compile Arm64 builds again.

  • Have cross-platform support for the premium edition.

  • Implement some big free features.

    • Primary Content Extraction

    • [SerializeReference] support

    • Unity assembly datamining

    • Sprite Export Improvements

  • Get a dedicated server, so I don't have to time-lock the premium releases.

I appreciate your ongoing support. Feel free to give any feedback you have. Your suggestions will be part of the decision-making process.



When are we going to get AssetRipper Premium 1.0.10?


AssetRipper Premium 1.0.11 is likely coming tonight. I ran into some issues which prevented me from releasing yesterday.