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Hello everyone!

Now that the beta is out, I wanted to make this diary to be in touch with all of us as some things are going to change in the next public release. There are no spoilers, there are no new things to show, it's all explaining stuff I've been explaining in different diaries but I want to dedicate a whole post to the topic.

This should be of interest to all of you, but anyway, in every public release from now on there will be a little explanation/guide/etc.

Let me explain it:

Right now, patrons who have access to the beta are already experiencing the "new format". I've seen this method used by other devs so it's nothing new.

What is it based on? It's simple:

Right now there is the base game (v0.15.0.BASE) + updates (v0.16.0, v17, v18...).

Taking that into account... from now on, the game will be based on two parts: BASE + updates. Why? In the current version we are in, starting from the base game which is v0.15.0, the game has a size of ~5.5GB. That means that for each new update, I have to upload the whole game and you have to download the whole game. This method is the easiest and the cheapest because having a hosting service + updater... has different cons, not only economically.

But leaving that aside, although not completely, I have always tried to think of alternatives once I discarded having an "updater". So this is the best bet.

I'll give you a practical example to help you understand everything better:

Right now, if you download the v0.15.0.BASE, you will be able to play all the content up to the endgame of v15 with some small additions like the gallery for example. That's 5.5GB.

Now, I release a new update with ~300MB size... What's better, download the whole game again (almost 6GB) or have the base game (v15) already downloaded on your pc/phone and just download the update and update the game? Well, that's what will happen from now on.

From now on, you will download the v0.15.0.BASE only once, and separately the updates. To update the game, the only thing you'll need to do is simply copy and paste, nothing more. You won't have to download a lot of GB for each update, you won't have to make a copy of your saves just in case, etc.

This is also an efficiency improvement for me as uploading updates is much faster than uploading the whole game every time a new update is available. I don't doubt that in a while the updates will be big too, but by that time... the project will be almost finished for sure.

And I think that's all. If you want a very brief summary...  From now on, you will have to download the base game only once and every time there is a new update available, you will simply have to download the update (which is cumulative) and update the game, that's all.

I think this will also benefit people whose internet is a bit more limited so the download won't take so long.

Not only that but as a last detail, the way the internal game files are categorized/encrypted has also changed, and thanks to that, if for example I screw up an update and cause a soft block... as soon as I fix that, you'll just have to download a mini-update of... 30MB? Copy, paste, solved. And no more the usual "Oh, frick, I have to download the whole game again...".

Having said all that, I'm going to leave you the change log of v15 + v16 (it's quite extensive as it includes all the work of the last months), but as always, if anyone has any questions... join Discord, leave a comment here or send me a DM.

See you soon!

v.0.15.0.BASE change log



Due to major changes in the core of the game, new features, and a complete cleaning of game load checks... everyone must start a new game, no exceptions.

Compensation: Skip the intro and talk to Lisapi at any time to receive a welcome pack containing gold, materials, gifts, proof of trust, essences, affinity points... Additionally, you will receive the intro achievement.

EXTRA: A check has been added when loading the game that prevents you from continuing to use old saves, and although it can be avoided by editing your save, it is intended to prevent anyone from mistakenly continuing to play as that save will be broken.

EXTRA 2: This is the first and last time everyone is forced to start a new game.

Welcome pack:

  • 20 points in all the MC's stats.
  • 100 basic materials (white).
  • 50 refined materials (green).
  • 50 Moon essences.
  • 50 affinity points.
  • 20 event tokens (all events)
  • 40 Brave coins.
  • 5 gifts (all of them, including potions).
  • 40 Proof of trust.
  • 5000 gold.
  • 30 on all girls' counters (all counters available).
  • Introduction achievement.


In order to match the current quality throughout the game, a complete overhaul of all the renders and dialogues has been performed. Following the review/revision, where necessary, changes have been applied.


NOTE: These changes include images/renders, animations, and redone scenes with better lighting, camera, shadows, new details, and/or better poses.


  • Patricia in the bathroom.
  • When you first visit the Manor, any scene that takes place at the main entrance.

The Gold Valley Aspirant:

  • Gold Town entrance (Captain).
  • Meeting Mona.
  • Meeting Glenda.

An unexpected visit:

  • 90% redone. Including the scene with Yuna (animation).

Royalty visits Gold Valley:

  • 90% redone.

The awakening:

  • 85% redone. Included new textures on the powers used by Lisapi/Vanessa. Vanessa's illusion now includes new animations (Refuge).
  • The part where you go to a tavern to have a date with Vanessa, has a totally different map.

The cursed ones:

  • When you talk to Maria in the morning.
  • The Captain's visit at the Manor.
  • When you see Anna/Mara.
  • Meeting Arwen.
  • Back home, the first part before the sofa scene.

Maria's promise:

  • 50% redone. Includes any moment Maria wearing her veil.

The desert is here:

  • Everything that happens at the main entrance.

A night bath:

  • When the seal of protection is created.
  • After Vanessa's illusion, until the end of the quest.
  • Included an extra render related to the MC's bed.

Fast as light:

  • First part (Maria).

It's not what it looks like...:

  • First part (Yuna).

A bunny tavern:

  • Mona's shop.
  • Captain and Mabel.
  • Maria, Captain, and Mabel.

The storm:

  • When you purify a Moonstar for the first time, the moment when Naluna and Maria are enjoying the show (animation).
  • When you return home with the Moonstar.

A cat in the forest:

  • Everything that happens at the main entrance.

A Silver Date:

  • When Yuna asks Maria to serve dinner.

Rank quest (Avowed):

  • Measurements.
  • When Mona returns. Includes new animations if you decide to take a look before going to the Refuge.

Rank quest (Welcomed):

  • Mona's shop. Includes a new pose of Mabel (naked).
  • Refuge.

Unlocking specialisation (quest):

  • 100% redone.

Non-main content:

  • All the renders when you use the Lust power (underwear/naked).
  • Several idle animations when talking to girls.
  • Moments of the day in the main entrance.
  • FETISH: All the pee animations that still had the old texture have been redone. This includes any scenes in the bathroom and in the alley.

FINAL NOTE: Not all changes applied to Maria are mentioned, but any scenes where she wears the veil have been redone. Additionally, to summarise many other changes, some scenes in the girls' tasks have been redone if those tasks occur on the main floor or have poor lighting.

The final count is: ~1500 renders, ~35 animations.


  • The whole game.
  • This includes better punctuation, rephrasing if necessary, re-translations...
  • It does not include a deep revision.


The moment you choose an accreditation (difficulty) has been changed. In order to be able to choose one, you will have to wait until the moment when Mara wants to move to the Manor. This change has been made so that any player can learn the mechanics of the game without having to choose the difficulty first. In other words, play first, learn how everything works in general, choose a difficulty that suits your style of play.

NOTE: You can choose the easy mode as soon as you start a new game, there is no need to wait to choose an accreditation.


The main mechanic of this mode has been changed: Angry girls.

From now on girls will never get angry anymore. Due to this change, there are new additions and changes:

  • The chance to get a mood point has been reduced to 10% and can be increased permanently by meeting different requirements or with gifts.
  • If the girl's mood is less than 1 point, you will only receive 1 experience point in her stats regardless of perks/benefits/buffs.
  • Any gifts related to anger, now give mood points and chance(%) to get mood points.


A complete overhaul of this mode has been done for proper implementation and functioning of this mode. No RPG elements should now appear.


  • Show the correct rewards when completing a quest (no more gifts)
  • The menu that appears to get permanent benefits when a girl becomes your girlfriend (makes no sense in this mode)
  • Buffs and event related stuff.
  • Affinity system, among others.

NOTE: Achievements are back to normal with one exception: Only the "General" and "Community" sections are available. The main reason is that with the new system implemented (achievement points) the rest of the sections will contain RPG content both in rewards and requirements to get new achievements.

EXTRA: From now on, anything reported or detected that does not belong to this mode will be considered a bug.


A new feature has been added to make it easier to rewatch any repeatable event related to the girls. From this panel, you will be able to access any repeatable event once you have unlocked it.

This feature includes: Main girl levels, secondary girl levels and quests (the latter on hard mode only). Added a special section in Lisapi (specialisation outfits).

NOTE: To access to this panel (gallery), you must use the icon that appears in the main girls general panel.


This new feature will make your time in Gold Valley much more bearable. Here you will find different optional tasks in which you can get different rewards in return. It has different categories and ranks where the tasks will change or increase in quantity, as will the rewards.

To unlock it, you must complete the quest "The Gold Valley Aspirant". Once unlocked, you will be able to access it from the "Ranks" panel.

Current categories: Girls, jobs.

Current ranks: Three.

NOTE: This feature is not available in easy mode.

NOTE 2: Hard mode has different tasks and rewards related to this mode.

General/QoL changes (all difficulties)

  • Adventurer's Guide: A guide has been added to help you familiarise yourself with the LA universe. This guide includes basic tutorials & general tips. In addition, it includes Lisapi's tips, which tell you exactly how and where to find all exploration achievements (only available in the Patreon version).
  • Talk to Lisapi to enable a compact interface where most of the icons are removed from the general interface and can be accessed by right-clicking on the remaining icons.
  • From the general interface, you can choose your favourite girl by right-clicking on her mini-icon.
  • From now on you can enable a pop-up in the Journal. When enabled, if you hover your mouse over the Journal icon, a summary (objectives) of all active quests will appear.
  • Cards/backgrounds: Added the minimum trust requirement (number) to unlock any card.
  • Cards/backgrounds: New cards have been added to all girls. Additionally, outfit cards have been added if the girl has a different outfit available.
  • The paints in the MC's room have all been redone. They now are full HQ, and the right lighting.
  • The way fetishes are enabled for the first time has been changed. It now works dynamically during the main story. The presentation of each fetish (Lisapi) has been removed. Exception: Pee fetish. This fetish can be enabled from the beginning if you decide to interact with the bathroom door.
  • The achievement system has been changed and now grants achievement points every time you get an achievement (not fully implemented, will be fully implemented from v17 onwards).
  • Feet and bum fun achievements section have a new background.

v0.16.0.E change log

- New content available: ALL DIFFICULTIES -

  • New rank quest
  • You can now play "Strip twenty-one" with Yuna, Anna, Mara and Maria.
  • Stats: Intelligence and charisma cap is now 50.
  • Added paintings related to the anniversary achievements.
  • 4 new achievements.

- New content available: HARD MODE -

Added new perks in the bravery shop:

  • Alina: Pose part 1-2
  • Myra: Pose part 1-2
  • Maria: Pose part 1-2
  • Paintings: Lisapi (a total of 10)
  • 4 new achievements



  • Added new paintings of Yuna, Anna, and Mara (hard mode).


  • Added new pictures of Yuna, Alina, Tali, and Lisapi.


  • Mara and Maria can now get pregnant.

General changes

  • From now on, if you know a girl's birthday, on her birthday you get extra experience points in her stats (shown as a buff).
  • You can now sleep with girls in their pyjamas if you have unlocked said outfit (winter event).
  • General optimisation in the code of the pictures (MC's room)
  • Hard mode: "Brave Heart" is no longer available in the shop. In order to be more visible (accessible), it has been moved. Now you can find a new option about it when you talk to Enya.

Bug fixes

  • All found and reported.

Final note: The change log is available on Discord and everyone can check it, but I may start posting it here as well once each new update is available. See you!




Need more catgirls just saying


More? You have a desert cat girl and a Neko willing to spend time with you 😼


small question can you update from 0.15.75 to 0.16.0 or do I have to go 0.15.0 base to 0.16.0 and how does the E releases work with that.


It's even easier: Delete the game if you have the v0.15.75 and download the v0.15.0.BASE. From there you are ready for new updates. E releases will work as usual but you will need to have the v0.15.0.BASE downloaded for it.