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Hellooooo! Several days without writing anything here, huh? I've been so focused on everything I've been working on that I almost forgot that today is the last v0.15.25 EA.

The last one, yeah, that's why I'm writing this diary for all the patrons. Unfortunately, "2 days EA before public release" is not going to happen until v16, much to my regret. Why? Basically, because I don't have any public version ready and I won't prepare any until v16. This happens because during the last days before the public release, I make a copy of the Patreon version, I adapt it for the public release, I check that nothing is broken... Honestly, after seeing everything I have to do, redo, change, and all that... I'd rather focus on finishing this madness and aim forward to work on v16. Technically I'm working on that, but I mean that will be the version where the release cycle will be back to normal. I hate to have to do it this way but... Anyway, I'm saving myself to work on new content for v16 (quests, tasks, etc) and now focusing on the rest of the stuff.

What other stuff? The usual crazy sh*t, renders, renders, and more renders... I don't know at what point it occurred to me to start being more demanding with what I do, but in the past, I've done some weird things that need to be fixed. I won't get tired of saying it until everything is changed and with the current quality. Whoever is tired of my complaints... don't worry, there's not much left, for the moment.

So let's leave the complaints aside and get straight to the point!

I don't wanna make this diary too long so I'll go straight to the different things I've been working on. But for those who prefer to wait to see everything in-game, there's a summary:

~619 renders. Phew, they are just a few, aren't they? There are also ~10 animations. All this is what I've been working on since last week and I'm still working on it:

  • The quest when Mara moves is now 90% redone.
  • The quest when you have sex for the first time with Yuna, is now 95-98% redone (the scene when you have sex with her is not redone).
  • In the quest where you have to rebuild the tavern, I started to redo the first part but stopped halfway when I realised that this quest requires more work than expected. Still, there's half a job already done.
  • In the quest when Maria moves in, the first part is completely redone and when she is still wearing the veil in her room... that part is also redone.
  • In the quest when Tali moves in, the part where all the girls are at the main entrance has been redone.
  • In the quest when you unlock the fast nav, the first part has been redone.
  • In the quest where Alina is giving Myra a foot massage, the first part is redone (when you talk to Yuna).

Some extra:

  • Yuna's level 3, the first part.
  • Yuna's level 4, the first part.
  • Now when you call Yuna to bathe with her, the image has the right quality and a couple of extra renders have been added (similar to Anna and other girls where they get in the water first).
  • Spending time with Yuna in the morning now has more "logic" according to the idle animation (broom behind on the table). Not only that but a couple of extra renders have been added according to her sexiness.

All this always includes: Better poses, better lighting/shadows, some extra renders, etc.

Likewise, it doesn't mean that by redoing something, the scene will be totally changed and will have nothing to do with what you have seen in the past. If I had to do something like that, it would be the first thing I would explain.

That said, I will say that none of the above is implemented yet. I'll have to do a lot of basic editing to make everything look as good as possible in terms of lighting and stuff like that. I'll give you an example of it below.

Today is the last EA, which means next weekend you can play D4! No, I mean yes, but also v0.15.50 will be available for the higher tiers.

And now, whoever wants to join me... I'll show you a few things.

For the rest of you, see you soon in the next diary!

Short PS: I'm almost 100% recovered from all health problems. Thanks a lot to all of you who worried about me, but don't worry anymore, I'm back to writing long diaries (and now also long change logs).

See you all!
































Let's start with Maria's clipping. Here is an example of the usual:

And now...

Obviously, there is much more, but let's move on to something else.

First the old one, then the new one if the images are the "same".

Now Anna not only has the right lighting, but also takes off her towel in a more "logical" way.

The new spending time with Yuna in the morning.

When Mara moves in. Now the scene takes place a little further to the left.

Don't worry, there is no relevant dialogues here.

Goodbye shadowless textures + Lisapi's clipping, hello new subtle details.

If you do Maria's errand, you will now be able to see different perspectives when this happens in Mona's shop.

I know we all love Yuna, but that doesn't justify the shitty lighting in broad daylight.

Yeah, much better, and subtle details again.

Here I will not show the old one, I will show this instead... Yes, now practically the whole scene is animated.

I think it was time to stop using some of the default textures and give some more personality.

Today in plot twists no one asked for: She wasn't killed by Vanessa, it was her own hair.

I hate it when I didn't care if I didn't use the right lighting...

F*ck you, shitty floor shadows (35 renders I've had to redo because of this).

I have a lot more but I'll leave it for the next diary. The same about show the simple edits I do to make it look good in terms of lighting and stuff. I think it would be interesting to show it to everybody even though it's something really silly but tedious sometimes.

Anyway, even though some of these changes are subtle, I think they improve the overall quality of the scenes.

See you soon!



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