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Helloooo? I'm running out of ideas to start the diaries so let's get down to business!

I was going to write this diary a few days ago but as you can see... I haven't done it. Why? It's been a weird and crazy week, I can't describe it otherwise.

It turns out that all the bugs I had fixed during the beta and the last ones were reported during the first EA... After the second EA, those bugs were still present. What happened? I'm glad you asked me... I have no idea.

This already happened to me last year and it seems to happen every now and then when I make a copy of the current version to work on the next one. I don't know if in the process of copying something weird happens and the last changes are not completely saved or whatever.

Result: I had to forget about some things I was working on and focus on fixing those bugs again to avoid releasing a buggy public version that shouldn't be bugged.

Consequently, there are some things that I did not have time to implement in the new version: The pregnancy of a new girl, not redoing the pee events... As it was all about fetishes, I decided to add 2 extra bum fun achievements that weren't planned (Suna and Arwen). It ain't much, but it's honest work.

And what about the Autumn event? Well, for that I have the answer: As I couldn't come up with any good ideas and time was running out... I decided to leave it for the next version.

But, Keisi, how hard is it to make an autumn event? Make it about pumpkin picking, ezpc. That's obvious, but what about the H part? I think the point of the events I'm introducing is the H part and not just that it's RPG. I could have implemented a summer one? Yes, but the one I have in mind requires several days of work. For this reason, I decided to put some extra effort into adding achievements (only 10 were planned and it ended up being 18) and adding some extra options for the girls on the first floor.

Anyway, those of you who play on hard won't be left without a new engagement item. Since I don't have to follow a strict order in this regard, I decided that Anna would get her engagement item using the event stuff that is already implemented. Following the logic that I myself have decided to have (order in which the girls move), Anna's item is cheaper than Mara's item. And with that, I get rid of the classic girls (Yuna, Anna, Mara).

Having said all this, I'd rather move on to the next point as this is going to be a long one. I just wanted to explain in short why some things have not been implemented in this version.

Likewise, don't worry, I'm going to talk about the content of the next version: Implementing everything I didn't have time for in the previous version.

Simple, isn't it? Well, it's not. Nah, actually, it is. I'm going to detail a bit about what you can find in the next version:

  • A new level for Maria (through the new main quest).
  • Dating Maria (because that's what her level will be about).
  • Redo the pee events. Not only that, but I will also add more events.
  • New seasonal event (if I can't think of anything interesting for Autumn I'll go straight to the Summer one).
  • New Suna's level because for this version I was going to add two and in the end, I've only added one that is short and related to bum fun.
  • A new level of another secondary girl. It should be Sara as I implemented a sex level with Arwen before Sara. Not that I follow a specific order with the secondary girls.

With that explained, let's move on to the next point.

The next point brings us to the second anniversary of LA. Something I'm quite happy to see happening and hope it will be so for many years to come (not of LA's development but of celebration of new projects too).

Honestly, if I think about the total development of LA... I don't want to drag it out forever because, in the end, it ends up being something good but old that should have been finished long ago...

So my limit for developing LA before moving on to the next thing is... 4 years in total at the most. I'm holding back a lot of things that I'd rather implement in future projects, I'm implementing simple things that I'll improve in future projects, etc. There are things that fit better in LA 2 than in LA 1, to sum up. Also for those of you who already know me, you know I want to do a reboot of Lisapi's Adventures so I have something to work on using Koikatsu while I work on LA 2 using Honey Select 2 (although at this rate it will be HS3). And who knows if in the future LA 3 or whatever it is, it's finally with DAZ, or who knows, the future will tell.

You already know that I have concerns and ambitions with all this of being an H game dev and therefore I want to evolve at all levels.

And of course, this could not be possible without you. That's why, on the occasion of the goal that we have already passed a few months ago and the anniversary that is just around the corner (next month), I have made this diary available for all the patrons.

I wish I could thank you in some real way for all the support I've been getting here for two years now and especially the people who have been here since the beginning and still can't get enough of LA, the girls, and everything related to this.

I wish (again) I could have more time to bring better quality to everything but unfortunately between my own personal life and this job... I lack hours and I'm not lying if I say that I've been dedicating more time to this than to my own personal life and mental health for two years now. However, I am trying to change this a bit, hence planning updates differently. Anyway, don't worry too much about me, I've been used to this kind of life for years so it's nothing new to me. But hey, at least I have the privilege of working from home and not having to drive 2 hours to go to the office like in my previous job... So I try to not complain much and work as much as possible.

By the way, it would have been a good thing to remind me that February doesn't have 30-31 days... I don't even know what day I live in so I completely missed last month's extra wallpaper... I'm so sorry about that. I'll post an extra one this month, I've got it written down.

And... little else to say. Nah, the last point is still to come. In the last diary, I mentioned the topic that from now on the pee achievements would be all animated and that some special ones outside that category would be animated as well. Well, I'm going to show you the achievement in the community section when claiming all the codes (there are new codes).

Wait a minute... It's the gif I used for this diary. I've added it there because you can see it in full resolution. Don't worry, I'll show you my screen during the almost 3 hours I spent working on it:

I was using several default loops to make that animation, coordinating the frames, the speed... A madness. It could even be better and they could have more butt physics and stuff... It's a matter of practice.

Even so, when I got the hang of it, it wasn't so tedious. This means that in the future I won't necessarily have to do this kind of animation just for the achievements. The problem? Imagine doing 3-5 fully custom loops. Maybe for a single level, I need several days of work...

If it was up to me I would do this kind of animation for all the girls' levels (I mean, having all the H-scenes completely customized) but it's true that it's fucking crazy and as I recently talked to my Proofreader, it would be too much work (I was talking to her about another kind of animations that I won't mention because in the end they have been discarded).

So I think the most "logical" thing to do, although I would like to do it with absolutely all the H events... is to do it with some specific ones. In future versions, I'm going to spend some time reviewing all the girls' levels to make a final "old quality vs. current quality" review. That's when I'll be making changes to some of the levels to customize the animations so it has a bit of my own touch.

Also, during that process, I will add some new stuff that I will try to make the norm in any sex scene with the main girls. We'll talk about that when the time comes.

And... I think it's time to stop here, don't you think?

Without much more to add, I thank you again for your support during these two years and I hope it will continue like that. There is still a long way to go and a lot of content to come. As an early gift, I'll give you one of those hints I used to give before that everyone forgets: When you think it's all over, the beginning of the end will begin.

I'm gonna say goodbye but without first mentioning the second-anniversary gift: A short game. Although it won't be like last year's, this year I want to do something different (but short).

Anyway, I'll talk about it soon! See you!

Do you want to see what's going to happen with Maria in the next version? Just a screenshot, see you below.

































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