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Another week, another diary! Wait a minute... Technically that's true even though there was none last week. There's an explanation for everything.

But first things first: The v0.13.0.BETA  will be available this Friday/Saturday.

It was going to be available yesterday/today but there are things to fix and check before a new version can be released.

That said, a bit of an explanation for my absence... Honestly, I don't want to go on too long so I'll sum it up in two very tough weeks mentally. To begin with, I had a small technical problem at home as the stupid water heater broke in the middle of a cold snap. It could happen in the summer when I don't give a shit about hot water but that's life, I guess... That little hiccup is luckily solved now. 

On the other hand, when it was time to write dialogues... I had several ideas for this version and in the future, but suddenly everything became white and then black. It was a bit fucked up because I had more or less in mind Alina/Myra's levels, the new rank quest, and so on. In short, the content of this version, which is no longer the case.

Why did this happen? Even I don't have the answer. The thing is that it turned into a spiral of negativity and to get to think about ugly things because I felt really down. I have been two weeks with my motivation and desire to do anything down (work-related, obv).

Luckily, there came a moment when I said to myself: "Bro, I think this is going too far, you have to take a break and rethink everything". I'm not bad at self-therapy so I got on with it. After almost two weeks and going through different processes... suddenly the muse came back and everything was back to normal. 

It's amazing how the human mind works but I have to admit that I put too much pressure on myself in all this and especially my literal thought of "if I don't work today, people will lose interest and leave, I shouldn't rest and do my best". But I don't realize that to give my best I have to have the right mental health and it's not possible if I'm pushing myself and working 24/7 without a break.

But well... after all that, I decided to get back in the game and work hard to bring a new version this week. This guy doesn't learn a damn, bruh. 

In fact, in the next updates, I'm going to be bringing content in a not-so-usual way because I'm going to rethink the way I work. This doesn't affect the type of content but it does affect the quantity. It doesn't affect how often, it should even go better because my idea is to go back to the old days when everything was simpler: Every last weekend of the month or the first of the next one to have a new version ready (beta). So for a month, I work on the new content trying to stick to the plan as much as possible in order to be consistent.

Anyway, during the next versions, I'm going to do a bit like Naruto and put in some non-relevant quests (actually related to the GV plot) so I can focus on implementing things I've been postponing for months.

Do you know that since the version I implemented the affinity system I wanted to introduce another mini-game related to sexiness? Only the classic girls (Yuna/Anna/Mara/Lisa) have affinity stuff and Lisapi was because I introduced her to the dating system otherwise she wouldn't have anything. There's a lot of extra content that should have been implemented before LA's first anniversary and here we are, moving forward and implementing new things instead of focusing on the things that should already be "finished" so to speak. Same with Moonstars, outside of Enya there should be more Moonstars, be able to write a bio about them even if it's a simple one, etc... I have a Gdoc with at least 10 pages of "things to add in the future" and at this rate, it's going to be the list of "things to add in L'sA reboot / LA 2".

So in a nutshell: In order to have everything ready before the appearance of Patricia, Lisapi having her adventures, etc... I'm going to be a few versions focused on extra content, replaying again to see what things can be improved (renders/dialogues), more levels for secondary girls, advance more with some main girls, etc. I'm going to try not always to do it through a main quest although you know me, if I see it necessary I'll do it, especially with Lisapi and Maria and anything that unlocks new things.

Having said all that, what can you expect to see in the next version? Well, nothing of what was planned, quite the opposite because Alina/Myra's levels have become very complicated and I need to think calmly about how to plan everything. This is all my fault and my obsession that you are the ones who choose in the game who to take to bed first. For me, it would be very easy for everything to flow through Alina directly but I want to make it similar to Anna/Mara... Actually, this was the trigger for everything explained above as Alina and Myra have a slightly different stories.


- A new short main quest. It will be about a mini intro to everything anal-related, so whoever doesn't like that will literally finish the quest in 5-10min because I'm going to treat it as a separate fetish. Why? Well, so I have more freedom to do whatever I want, that's all. My top 3 fetishes are pee, feet, and ass, so you can imagine the effort I want to put into this. It's also because this way I can be more explicit in the dialogues and the content in general since it's not visible to everyone (like the pee). It should be noted that it will work the way everything works, with nothing extreme, etc.

- The Christmas event is 100% finished

- Implementation of the event shop.

- New level for Suna.

- Some changes to the shop on hard mode.

- Visual changes to the interface.

- Some QoL especially for the hard mode (mood).

- Girls' counters are available again.

- Some extra content thanks to the Christmas event.

- Along with the anal intro comes the intro of the Butt Plugs. You will be able to craft a basic plug as the ones that will unlock interesting things will be through Enya. At the moment this will be available for classic girls and will unlock something silly: pose using the plug.

I know it's not much, at least it's not what was planned but I also have to admit that if I want to stick to something more constant... the content I'm planning won't be so abundant especially if something happens and it doesn't necessarily have to be something personal but a bug that takes more time than I think, ideas that change completely, things that fit at first but later I change the idea, etc.

In any case, everything will move forward at a more steady pace, or at least that's my intention. I'm not someone who likes to "stretch the gum" unless there are external factors that don't let me move forward. I have ambitions and concerns, I want to do cool things and that you all enjoy it, whether in LA 1, L'sA, LA 2, or whatever, but that you all enjoy it and as I always say, whoever decides to support me, sees that their money is being well invested.

Having said all this, I think it's time for me to leave, don't you think?

Don't forget that if you want to see a bit more activity from me, I'm always on Discord. 

I wanted to leave you interesting spoilers but apart from being NSFW, I noticed that in the ones from the Xmas event Maria appears with her underwear... So I won't show anything relevant this time.

See you!





YESSSS, finally anal!!!!


Keisi: My top 3 fetishes are pee, feet, and ass, so you can imagine the effort I want to put into this. Me: Bless your heart!!!!


Take it easy and enjoy as the content will come in small doses plus the anal sex will take a while to come. Although I'm already anticipating that the first girl will be one of the classic girls (Yuna/Anna/Mara) or maybe Maria. I'll decide ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)


Oh, yes. One more thing to go ahead of since this was prompted by my proofreader: I'll be adding a new achievements section to add anal-related exploration achievements.