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Well, well, well... It's been a few days since I've written a diary, hasn't it?

In short: I've been having health problems for +1 week now so I haven't been able to work as much as I would like to and therefore the whole schedule has been delayed. Nothing serious but I need glasses, which I've never needed in my life, shit happens.

Not only that but the whole redoing of the questlog interface has been quite a tedious nightmare thanks to how Renpy works in general. Luckily it's all finished (and translated, although it will need some revision).

This has been tedious because I've added 4 new gifts that are available since you meet Mona/Glenda and I've also added them as rewards for every quest because yes, from now on every quest will give you a different reward. This will apply to all difficulties except easy, obviously.

Oh, yeah, I've added a new QoL: From now on you can see how much it costs to craft each item. To make more sense (immersion), the potions of trust, love, and sexiness have been changed to perfumes.

I still have to redo the rank quests in the questlog but I'm going to leave it for when I finish the rework of the building system in the next few days.

Why this weird order? Because I want to make a run from scratch to try to improve some dialogues/renders and especially to look for bugs. Not only that but Sara's side quest is going to be merged with the rank quest as it should have been originally. I thought it was interesting to do it as a side quest (nonsense is what it is) plus I want to add new side quests related to the Gold Valley buildings.

These quests will have rewards related to the buildings but I have in mind also rewards related to the accountant and the builders... We'll see how the final result of that will look like.

Once all this is finished and hopefully, the glasses will solve my health problems (I have to wait a couple more days for the optician to have them available)... I'll be able to get to work on the plot again. 

The new version should be available before the end of the month assuming that nothing weird happens.

See you soon with more progress!



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