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This is a really difficult post for me to write and I don't know where to start...

I've been really bad mentally for two weeks now and I have to give special thanks to the heat 24/7 where I live. Those of you who are going through the same thing already know how it works but I have a little extra most of these days: Insomnia.

Apart from that part that doesn't let me think clearly during the whole day, there have been all kinds of fucked up thoughts, I've had my own personal problems + some family drama, and a long list of events that haven't let me focus these last two weeks.

Come on, Keisi, last year you did the threesome with Anna/Mara in record time (planned for several days, I did it in less than two days with a result that I like, although it could be improved), and this year? bruh. Well... as you know, it's been a difficult year in general and every time something good happens to me, there are several bad things waiting for me around the corner. But that's life, isn't it? Well, let's not go crazy yet.

Sometimes I have to make decisions and lately, I have made a lot of decisions that I don't know how they will turn out in the future on a general level. I thought that until today the most important decision I had made was to change my mind a bit and have extra patience in some aspects, aspects that are directed to a specific person and this is something quite unprofessional and random so... This is what brings me here today: Decisions.

Today is a turning point and I'm going to say it without further ado: From today... Lisapi's Adventures is officially canceled.

Not only that, but from this week everything is going to go back to normal until further notice, I'm going to resume things I left before taking a break a few weeks ago, new decisions, new paths, and a long etc.

But let's go step by step, don't worry.

If you don't want to continue reading, I'm going to leave you a summary because the rest of the explanation contains spoilers of LA:

L'sA has been canceled for different reasons, one of them is that after thinking about it a lot, although the story can be interesting, it doesn't fit at all with the final result I wanted to have in that game. There are many H-rpg aspects that don't fit in my head at all, most of the ideas don't fit either, and a long list that has ended up demotivating me to continue working with L'sA. But don't be scared by this decision, a big part of L'sA is going to be migrated to LA and I will work on restructuring LA a bit so it can fit everything perfectly. That means introducing new foes, new girls (secondary), and some new features for LA... I can't go into more detail without spoilers but if you were (and are) interested in the lesbian theme, don't worry, there will soon be all kinds of that content in LA thanks to the mix between the two universes.

That said, I apologize wholeheartedly for having to make this decision but I was not going to be able to deliver a result that was adequate to what each of you expected. I will understand any negativity for those who were exclusively interested in L'sA and/or consider all this a waste of time. So, better now than later when it is really wasted time, at least now it is not 100% wasted.

With this, I say goodbye to those who don't want to continue reading because there are spoilers (I won't detail much but they are relevant to the main plot of LA).

lisa_run_minigame.png (sorry, I only have the thong version and it's not censored).

Let's go on, it doesn't end here.

Ok, I'm going to detail all the reasons why this project is being canceled:

The main one and as I already explained, all the ideas I can think of, features, content... don't fit at all in a story like L'sA. Even if it wasn't because I made an effort to make sense of being a "mailwoman", it wouldn't fit in the story either. It was a risky thing to do and as much as I love working on it, it's not for this project.

One positive thing I take from this: I love writing romantic stories between girls, so that's going to make it easier for me in LA for everything I already had planned plus everything I'm planning now. I still have to find the perfect balance for our future Champion, but I think I'm going to try to approach things from a different point of view once Lisapi is in the earthly world with him.

Because yes, as you already know, I've always said that at some point Lisapi would be able to visit the earthly world because apart from being planned, I don't think it's fair that our favourite girl doesn't have more participation in the story (and that's actually why L'sA was born but it's time to go back to the original idea).

Until now, I had planned that in the next version the high tiers would decide what kind of content there was going to be but sorry, that will have to wait for v11, because in this version I will implement some changes in order to be able to complement L'sA with LA.

What does this mean? I must warn you that this little explanation contains an important spoiler, so I recommend you to stop reading and go to the next paragraph: In the next version Lisapi will be able to visit the earthly world and you will be able to exchange for her at any time to do different things. Does this mean there will be two MCs? 50/50. My idea is that Lisapi will have her own side story in LA and you can choose what to do with her. This will include 100% lesbian content and small adventures on her own + with the future Champion. The main story will always depend on him, as LA tells the story of how he becomes the Champion and all that is to come. I have to plan everything very well and restructure some things to make everything fit perfectly but it's not something complex, so don't worry about anything, on the contrary, this will lead to having more variety of content.

Spoiler explained, there are more reasons... I've never seen the devs who use Koi talk about it but I want to do it (maybe I'm wrong):

For anyone who doesn't know, the money you are investing in me (and any dev who uses Koi/HS) is supporting our work as a developer/programmer, not paying for the content inside the games. Why this little trick? Because technically nobody is allowed to reuse Koi/HS images, assets, characters, etc. for obvious reasons: They belong to Illusion. So as I say, you support us for our work and not our content. So far they haven't made an official statement as far as I know supposedly they don't care as long as nobody sells games using their intellectual property (that's why you don't see games made with Koi/HS on Steam). The assumption is that as long as the game is free in one way or another, they don't care. But... this may change over time as it's like an unwritten deal between devs and them because, in the end, everyone will benefit. Who would have thought that this platform would get tougher and tougher on those of us who create adult content as the years go by? Well, the same could happen with Illusion.

There are some devs who start using Koi/HS and gradually move away from that to Blender/DAZ/etc and I have the same idea in the long term. 

So with that in mind, as soon as I finish v10 of LA, I'll start relearning how to use DAZ so I can get to work on a new second project. That way, if something weird happens with Illusion, at least I'll have a project started that I can turn into the main project. Imagine that for some strange reason I have to stop working on LA and I don't have anything else in progress... it's not something I want to happen.

Does this mean that I'm going to try to finish LA fast or that I'm never going to work using Koi/HS again? Not at all. LA still has content for a long time, don't worry about that (and even more now that I'm going to add stuff from L'sA). I just want to have something in the pipeline just in case. I also want to experiment with other engines, so it seems like a good opportunity.

My plan is that when LA is finished... I'd like to jump on the new HS because it looks amazing. We'll talk about all those things in the future but it's not in my medium-term plans to make an engine change in all my projects or to finish LA in just a few versions or something like that. It's all just in case.

So don't panic, everything is going back to normal and will stay that way with the added bonus that I'm going to experiment with DAZ. Can you imagine Lisapi on DAZ? Because I'm starting to imagine it.

Because yes, Lisapi is the only one allowed to jump between universes and engines whenever possible. I'm really looking forward and curious to see Lisapi designed in DAZ. She was the first girl I designed and she will be the one who will be with us forever.

So having said that, I insist again just in case: Don't want to riot me yet! LA is going to get more interesting from the next version.

This week is going to be full of polls here as I don't forget that we have to design an exclusive main girl among all the patrons and she will be available for everyone in the next version.

Without further ado, I say goodbye to you and I hope you can forgive me for this decision. I will do my best to make up for all this "wasted" time.

See you soon.




Well, L'sA was a demo after all. And it did demonstrate a number of new features. It wasn't a waste of time, at all


Honestly I'm a little bummed. I was really looking forward to just girl content but it is what it is. I fully understand and support your decision.


As I said in the past, L'sA will get mixed up with LA in one way or another and that has already started to happen... The thing is that as there are major spoilers in between I can't say much more but as far as yuri content without men present... in LA there will be about the same amount of that kind of content as the rest, it's a matter of time before that happens, I can't say much more about that.