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- Yo, Keisi, where is Lisapi?

+ She's busy holding Mabel's hand so kneel before your new Queen!

- To eat her p...?

+ ...

Now seriously, since I had that identical to Lisapi's image I decided to post it. Why? They're both "guide girls" and... tits are tits! She's naked!

A cringe intro later...

Have you seen all the changes I've made here? Even the images of the tiers now have the Discord role icon. What a mess in the descriptions of each tier... 

You know me, I love reworks and I think it was time to make a definitive change to the look of the front page (in Itch too). Now everything is more visual and compact. I just have to check every day that the images don't break...

Speaking of break, from today until next week I'm going to be on "holiday". I'm not going anywhere, just that after all the craziness that has been making the L'sA demo possible + everything that has been going on internally since LA's anniversary... It's been a tough few months being at my limit day in and day out. 

Luckily everything has been relaxing and getting better as the weeks have gone by, I have forged new potential friendships, all doubts are cleared up... so the madness ends today. 

There are all kinds of content available right now (exclusive version, L'sA, LA...) and I need a few days to finish clearing my mind, disconnect a bit, and get all the cool ideas back to me. 

I need that to happen because I have one last challenge: Think about what kind of content the girls (Mona, Sara, Glenda, etc) in L'sA are going to offer. You know how it goes: The story takes place in Gold Valley and that means free love but the story with Mabel... It is perceived differently as it is focused on love and romance. Luckily, Mona and Sara, the first official marriage we know of (and the only one of LA girls) will be a great help for all this.

Fun and interesting things are coming up across the board with L'sA. We are just getting started!

Having said all that, I'm going to tell you my schedule for this week:

1. Personal life.

2. Thinking and writing a lot of notes about the rest of the content for its first version.

What an interesting life!

After all that, the schedule will be very short:

1. Finish the first version.

2. A day or so of disconnecting a bit to let my head click into LA mode.

3. Make a lot of polls starting with one for the high tiers who will decide what content they want to see in the next version: Continuation of the GV plot (Introduction to nudism and a new main girl who is not Enya) or continuation of the main plot (includes Vannesa, her master, Lisapi and a new main girl who is not Enya either).

Hell, Keisi, when will we convince Enya to move in with us? Patience, there are still peculiar Moonstars to purify and Enya needs a whole update for herself as she is related to Moonstars, Hearts, and minerals/crystals.

See you all!

I'll be active on Discord as usual for different reasons, which is obvious.



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