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Thanks so much for your support and for joining me on this journey. I'll definitely be doing it again for Season 2, whenever that releases. Attack on Titan reactions are starting tomorrow but if this is all you came to my Patreon for, thank you very much and I hope you enjoyed the reactions + early access.


Arcane 1x9 Reaction & Discussion: "The Monster You Created"

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I think the most important thing to take away from the talk with Jayce and Silco. Is that Silco thinks Jayce is "tipping his hand" because he's afraid of Zaun. Silco thinks everything he's built up to has panned out. But then the whole subversion is that yes, Jayce is indeed afraid, and wants to push this peace, but not for the reason Silco thinks. Jayce is afraid FOR Zaun, and it's actually Jayce's compassion and sympathy that is causing this deal to happen. Which I kind of find ironic. This just makes Jayce's character that much more special. In a world where two sides are fighting each other in a race to see who can "outscare" the other and who can become a bigger monster to stay "safe" in their own eyes. A young boy who's motives have maybe been the most pure of ANYONES in the show, is finally the one who sticks to his guns and uses "hextech to help others." and he involuntarily did. He made himself strong enough through hextech to be able to demand these things of Silco and create peace. Now of course, outside the confines of that conversation, it gets a bit more complicated. Silco would have never given Jinx up, and Jinx did what she did, but that doesnt change Jayce's motives, and what kind of person that reflects upon him. All in all, I thank you for your immense dedication to unpacking this show, and I'm so happy you shined a light on a character that I think many of us on surface level wrote off as simply being someone who got manipulated by everyone and never had any conviction of his own. I can now see that Jayce absolutely was a lot more than that to many people.


Will we have access to the Jayce Talis video at some point if we're not a $15 patreon sub at some point?