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Hey all, just a little addition to the incentives here that I'll be adding to the Patreon structure to give back a little bit more. From now on, it is possible to make donations to go towards funding video topics to be made for projects that I otherwise wouldn't go through with due to lack of subscriber interest, copyright issues, or any number of other reasons. To be clear, I am 100% passionate about and willing to commit to any and all of these projects.

For example, I normally would not make a video about The House in Fata Morgana (a visual novel I love, for anyone who isn't aware) because it is not at all a topic that would garner much interest on YouTube and as such, it wouldn't be worth the time and work to make it. However, I am now implementing individual stretch donation goals that will make that a possibility. Below is a list of the sorts of topics that fall into that category. If the funding goal for any one of them is reached, I will add the topic to my monthly journal and begin working on it as a new video. For various reasons, a lot of these will likely not have footage and be mainly audio-only, and some of these will be posted on my second channel, not my main one. 

A few things to make note of:

- Each monetary goal is different depending on the type of style or structure for any of these topics, along with the potential length of the script/video. I will not disclose the total amount needed to reach each goal, but will instead continuously update a "percent completion" bit where you will be able to see how close the goal is to being reached.

- These donation goals are free to donate to for both Patrons and non-Patrons. Donations can be made in two ways:

  • Firstly, a direct donation to my PayPal account, through https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/aleczandxr - Leave a message attached to the donation, and whichever amount is donated will go towards that goal.
  • Secondly, a donation via your Patreon pledge. If you are pledged to me, then you can start contributing to these stretch goals during the next billing cycle. The next time you are charged (whether you increase your pledge, pledge for the first time, or are charged at the beginning of the next month) You can send me a private message telling me how much money will go towards which goal - I'd appreciate it if you tell me the amount in Canadian dollars, but I can do that myself no problem if need be.
  • And note that you CAN donate to multiple goals if you wish. The minimum amount needed is a 1$ donation.

- Have said all that, an example of a contribution through PayPal would be a message attached to a 5$ donation, saying "Put this towards the Evangelion video." Whereas an example of a contribution through Patreon would be sending me a direct message after being charged saying something along the lines of "My 10$CAD pledge just went through, and I'd like to put 8$ of it towards The House in Fata Morgana, and 2$ of it towards Umineko." I will then add and total the amounts when/if they come in.

- If I don't receive any message from you, I'll just assume that you aren't interested in any of the goals.

- I will update the percentages every couple of weeks or so, but that isn't a set plan. I'll play it by ear. The updated percentage counts will be able to be viewed in both this post AND the "About" section under the "Membership" tag. I will also include it at the bottom of every monthly journal.

- Due to other priorities and the amount of time needed to script and record some of this stuff, the funding required for some of these is pretty steep, so I'm operating under the assumption that these goals won't be reached, or if they are, that it'll take a long time. This is just a little something extra and the money required to reach the goal may be more than you think. Please keep that in mind. If these goals somehow end up being met, I'll add new ones if necessary because I have a pretty large pool, lol.

- Last thing and most importantly - PLEASE don't feel any obligation to do anything extra. This is a completely non-intrusive addition to add something to my Patreon and give a bit more reward and control to you guys, and it doesn't really change much of anything. The video topics I include here are either ones that I would never have otherwise done, or ones that would have taken forever for me to get to for one reason or another. This just adds another incentive for anything interested in contributing something extra or having a tiny bit of a hand in some of the stuff I make. I formatted this so that if you're an existing Patron, you won't have to change anything other than telling me where you'd like your pledges to go. So no pressure at all! Like I said, I don't expect any of these goals to be reached, especially any time soon, but I figured I'd put them out there anyhow.

Hopefully that explains everything semi-adequately! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. With that said, the list of donation goals are as follows:

  • A video on my interpretation of the main theme of The House in Fata Morgana (visual novel). Not likely to be a long video, more like an emotional/thematic overview about the main story and Requiem. Second channel. Audio-only. [41.0% COMPLETED]
  • A video discussing the approach, style and themes of Megalo Box Nomad (Megalo Box Season 2). This would be a shorter video, similar to my video on Season 1. It would be fully edited but likely be put on my second channel. [2.0% COMPLETED]
  • A video covering my general overall feelings on Umineko no Naku Koro Ni (visual novel). Second channel. Audio-only. [33.3% COMPLETED]
  • A video discussing Yui Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion and what she represents to me. Second channel - I cannot put this on my main channel due to Evangelion videos constantly getting copyright strikes. Audio-only. [0.0% COMPLETED]
  • A video about Mawaru Penguindrum and what I take away from its themes, characters and presentation, and what it means to me. This would be a main channel video, with footage and all. [4.6% COMPLETED]
  • A video about the main functions and themes of Hunter x Hunter's Zoldyck Family arc. This would be a main channel video, with footage and all. [3.0% COMPLETED]
  • A video about Morel from Hunter x Hunter. This would be a main channel video, with footage and all. [15.8% COMPLETED]
  • A comprehensive video overview of Beastars Season 2 - the themes, character arcs, etc. This will probably be a pretty long video, and I have some notes taken down already. This would be a main channel video, with footage and all. [13.4% COMPLETED]


  • A video on Better Call Saul. This would be a main channel video, with footage and all. [100% COMPLETED, video has been released]
  • A video overview of what Hyouka means to me personally, why I love it and what I take away from it. This would be a main channel video, with footage and all. [100% COMPLETED, video has been released]

*List last updated October 12th, 2021


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