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Upcoming video schedule for the next few months + some ideas! Please note that release dates are always subject to change for varying reasons and are not set in stone. AND please remember that requests are currently locked - details in the 20$ tier description. 

***HOWEVER, due to making progress and finishing up some of my projects, requests will be UNLOCKED soon. If you have one in mind, you can mention it to me now so I can keep it in mind for when I start working on them.

CONFIRMED videos for the next while are as follows (These are completed and ready to upload unless stated otherwise):

-  The Story of Final Fantasy 7 .. So Far | A Comparative Look At The Original AND Remake [This video will be divided into two parts - Part one will be the Midgar material from the game, covering all of the material of Part 1 of the Remake in both games. Part 2 will cover the material post-Midgar, with a primary focus on the original. This video series will be a comprehensive look at the games with character/theme/setting analysis, overviews, theories/speculation, critiques, review aspects and personal anecdotes. Part 1 is COMPLETED and will be released somewhere between February 12th and 19th. Length: 3 hours and 19 minutes.]

- The Magic of The Social Network [A personalized look at what The Social Network means to me and why I find it so effective. This video is COMPLETED and will be released roughly 2 weeks after the FF7 video. Length: 13:54]

- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - The Horrifying and the Intimate [A personalized look at what Majora's Mask means to me and why I find it so effective. I have finished writing the script and the next step is recording. I'm shooting to release this in March]

- A reflection on one of the main ideas of the current Attack on Titan anime material. [Writing and editing finished, now I'm putting the visuals together. This video will be quite dramatic and a little ambitious but hopefully it'll turn out well. I'll probably need footage from the entire Final Season of the anime though, so it likely won't release until all of the episodes air for that reason - shooting for an early April release. The length will be around 12-13 minutes.]

- A character analysis of Miya Atsumu from Haikyuu!! [I have finished writing the rough draft of the script for this. It is currently available to read for $10+ Patrons. Next step is one more editing run and then recording.]

- Part 2 of the FFVII video series. [Some work completed, but this is a long term goal that I'll be taking a break from for now. This will be nearly as long as part one]

Videos I'm currently working on that are very likely to happen:

- Why I Love Hyouka [A personalized look at what Hyouka means to me and why I find it so effective. I am currently rewatching the show and putting some notes together for this]

- A video dedicated to Hinata Shouyou's Growth in Haikyuu [Some rough notes have been put together, I'll probably end up doing this]

- Some sort of video talking about the thematic parallels in Hunter x Hunter's Yorknew arc [I've got some rough notes down and will follow through with this if I can find a unique angle that I haven't talked about before]

Videos I'm currently working on that MAY happen:

- A second Mad Men video [Current working titled is "Mad Men and the Illusion of Happiness" - rough notes have been taken down]

- A video on the second season of Beastars [Just gathering potential ideas as I watch the new season. Nothing set in stone at all]

- A video on Yui Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion [I would love to cover this topic, but unfortunately any Evangelion video I make gets claimed so if I do make this, it will likely be audio only and it'll probably go on my second channel]

- Videos on Hoshiumi and Bokuto from Haikyuu - I've got some rough notes down for both but neither will happen until WAY down the line. Definitely not 2020, maybe not 2021

- A comprehensive narrative analysis for Hunter x Hunter's Greed Island arc. Not sure if this will happen, only a little bit of work has been done so far

- A general overview of my feelings on Umineko no Naku Koro Ni. I just wrote a spur-of-the-moment, basic, non-spoilery reflection on my thoughts for it so far in the midst of my playthrough. Not sure if it'll materialize into a video, but a quick, rough script is down

- The Messages of Persona 5 Royal's True Ending - Kind of like a sequel to my first Persona 5 video but covering the themes of the remake. I finished a rough script months and months ago and only just remembered that I still have it. I don't think it's quite strong enough to turn into a video but the unedited script is available to read.

Video ideas that I have an urge to make, but haven't started any work on yet:

- A video on 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim (currently playing through the game for the first time and loving it, so wouldn't mind covering it but no plans in place)

-  A video on Omori (Finished the game for the first time and loved it, so wouldn't mind covering it but no plans in place)

- HxH videos for Morel, Palm, Gyro

- A video on Chrono Trigger

- A video on Better Call Saul (might not happen, just have a little bit of a temptation)

- A video on Black Sails (might not happen, just have a little bit of a temptation)

**A note aboute Sasaki Isaburo - A Father and a Samurai - Script is finished, but I will NOT be making a video about this topic anymore. Script is available upon request for any Patron.


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