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This is what I posted to my YouTube community tab:


Hey all - unfortunately some bad news - a couple of my videos have been unlawfully taken down despite adhering to Fair Use laws. As a result, similarly to what I had to do last year, I've temporarily privatized all of my videos. They are currently unavailable to watch. It's unfortunate, but I had to do this for the security of the channel while things get resolved.  Since the videos in question that were taken down are undoubtedly transformative and fall under Fair Use, I have of course disputed both of the takedowns. All that I can do now is wait for those disputes to go through, so please have patience and hopefully things will be back to normal relatively soon. This is a huge headache for me and I'll be taking a large hit in terms of finances and channel growth, but that's been 2020 I suppose.  


^ Now obviously this means that until things get resolved, the schedule I posted for the upcoming months will be pushed back. I explained the situation a bit more on my recent Twitter feed. One strike is currently under final review, the other has just been disputed. I need, AT MINIMUM, one of them to be retracted to even think about posting more videos and publicizing the rest. Please use this information to decide how to approach your patronage going forward.



Then, just as now, I'm here for you and support you fully. 👍🏻💖