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‪So, some good news - I was able to get the Oregairu video restored and that strike lifted after approaching the company who claimed it.

‪So the situation is better, and I’ll make all the videos viewable in the next few days. If something else happens, though, I’ll have to close the channel again - so if the videos become unwatchable after becoming available again, you know why.‬

Of course, I'm telling you this not just as an update, but because that may impact your intent to pledge. Like I said, the situation is not good but it's better, so don't hesitate to edit or remove your pledges if that's something that you want to do. I totally understand.


Michał Zienkiewicz

and why would we be pity enough to PUNISH you for this situation? YOU ARE THE VICTIM but yeah, it s too often imho that people want Your videos and dont see there is a creator nearby, dont see a human. They want a content factory.