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I've received a couple of funded requests recently from Patrons and/or non-Patrons who simply want to request a video from me. It just reminded me to let you know that if you're a $20+ patron, or if you're below that but have been pledging consistently and have exceeded 80$ in total, you have the option to request a video from me. Of course, like I've said, it requires a bit of a compromise and I'll have to agree to the topic, but the option is always there so just be aware of that. I've got plenty of plans coming up as you can tell by my recent post, but I've always got time to listen. Shoot me a DM on Discord or Twitter if you want to do so.

PS - If a non-Patron requests a video, the fee for them is usually a straight payment of 80-100$, depending on how I feel about the topic and/or the workload.



Please make this post viewable to everyone, not just patreons.