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I've been a bit quiet on here lately so I decided to give an update for everyone about future video stuff - I won't be discriminating for pledge Tiers for this one, anyone who is a Patron can see this for this one time only. Any other updates will adhere to the Tier rewards posted.

A short thematic reflection video about Final Fantasy X will be released tomorrow. Nothing special, just a 5-6 minute short little stream-of-consciousness thing. Next, there will be a Death Note thematic analysis (12 minutes). It's quiet good IMO and covers the series' lamentable, melancholic side, while also touching on the themes and the purpose of Near, Light, L and Mello in a way similar to my previous DN videos. This is a video I almost spontaneously put together during one of my recent rewatches, which is why I never included it in any posts about upcoming topics. It'll be released on September 14th (as it stands - this could change) but 10$+ Patrons can see it early. After that, there will be a short thematic reflection on Houseki no Kuni. 5-6 minutes again, not an extensive analysis but I like it. Then, I have the Haikyuu video I've been talking about for ages. It's a 12 minute character tribute to Oikawa and it'll be released sometime in October, probably.

All of the above videos are completely finished. Aside from them, I recorded videos for a thematic analysis of Megalo Box, but I'm unsure if I'll edit and release it. I'm not sure if the script is strong enough, we'll see. I also recorded a 12-13 minute video on Roy Mustang from FMAB, but I wasn't happy with the quality of that either so I either won't release it or I'll need to make some changes before I do.

In terms of current production, I'm working on a bunch of things. I have a literal 3 hour critique of the Harry Potter films that I'm slowly getting through but as you can imagine, it'll take a while to finish. Additionally, I'm working on writing an addendum for my Gon video from last year to clarify and clear up some things about that video. The script for that is almost done. A rough draft of a Final Fantasy IX script is done, but I need to edit it to make it better because right now it lacks a bit of punch. I finished getting the rough notes for a Rakugo video together after rewatching and the next step for it is putting them together into a structured and coherent script. I also have some rough notes about Mawaru Penguindrum that I miiiight turn into a video, but I'm not sure about that yet.

As for future ideas aside from those, the following are topics I have in mind but as completely unconfirmed as of right now. I have not started working on anything here but they're all medium-term possibilities:

- A critique of Steins;Gate 0

- A video on Xenoblade Chronicles

- A video on Magus from Chrono Trigger

- An analysis of Blood and Wine from the Witcher 3 (this WILL happen eventually)

- Character analyses of Leorio, Knuckle/Morel and Pariston from HxH (these will happen too)

- A character analysis of Meruem from HxH (maybe - if I have enough to add for a video aside from what I covered in my first series on him)

- Character analyses on Envy/Hohenheim/Mustang from FMAB (maybe)

- A video on The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

- A video on Mad Men

- A video analysing the competitive Super Smash Bros Melee scene - the storylines and narratives, basically.

- A video on Pokemon (the games)

- A video on Animal Crossing 1

- A video on Durarara

That's all I've got for now. Thanks very much to everyone again. Many thanks to the few people who are changing their credit card stuff and still intend to stick with me as well (they can't read this now though, as they're not currently pledged). As always, if you have some sort of request, you can talk to me about it and maybe we can come to a conclusion on a video idea. I've done 7 videos for Patrons so far and I'm always open to the idea as long as we can reach a compromise. School is starting again soon so I will be busy but I'll always try to find time. Cheers!



A video on Pariston? Let's goooooooooo! Glad you're keeping busy and can't wait for more!

Christopher Brown

First of all, I am a huge fan of your channel. You have a very eloquent and intellectual approach to them and they are all very informative. I look forward to these videos, especially Smash Bros., FMA, and HxH. I have been wondering if you will do a video on Cowboy Bebop or any other critically acclaimed anime (without knowing your intentions, of course). I have some suggestions of things you may like; Darker than Black, Black Lagoon, and Your Lie in April (Once again, if not on your list already) Sorry about the rant, but it I've been thinking on this for a while. Looking forward to more videos.


Cheers Chris, and thanks for the pledge! Like I said, those videos are not certainties unless I stated, so no promises on the Melee one or FMAB ones - they're just ideas I have that are pretty tentative. The HxH ones are for sure. I think your message is incomplete but to answer your question, no - I'm not interested in covering Bebop specifically. If you have questions about any other ideas then by all means, you can ask. Though it's probably easier to message me privately on here or Twitter.