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Keep in mind that, once again, these are rough drafts that still need another run of editing.

1) A character analysis of Oikawa Toru from Haikyuu

2) An analysis of Waver and Rider from Fate/Zero

3) An analysis of Boromir from Lord of the Rings


Jon Mundle

I like these, but for me personally the scripts aren't that interesting unless I were to do some kind of analytics lol. To me, the scripts are already a "finished" product. I think something that shows your process of how you get from an idea to the script would be much more interesting. I can understand if that's a bit much to provide, but something like: LotR Boromir notes LotR Boromir Examples LotR Boromir Script would be fascinating to look at.


Yeah, I get that for sure. I only started doing these as a reward because commenters have been asking for my scripts and a couple of Patrons too so I thought I might as well include it as a reward and you guys can take it or leave it. With regards to the process - I really don't think it'd be interesting to see my rougher notes prior to the script. The process tends to be 1) Think of a theme or themes/characters -> 2) write down a bunch of scattered, unstructured notes -> 3) turn those notes into an essay. There's obviously littler steps to it but that's essentially what it is. I don't think it'd be very valuable. But if you're interested, I'd have no trouble posting rough notes for one of my bigger upcoming videos in due time. So yeah, no problem, I'll do that.