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Hey all! I’ve mentioned this on stream and in and around social media - comments, Twitter, Discord - but in case that slipped by, just a short update on One Piece reviews.

The last review I released was Wano Part 2, and I have not worked on Part 3 at all yet. It’s sort of a mix of burnout, wanting to be in tip-top shape when I record it, and primarily - I’m currently working on a GIGANTIC video essay script on Final Fantasy Rebirth. That script has taken up the vast majority of my work time outside of streams lately, and I do want to get the rough draft of it and perhaps the edit finished before I move onto other projects, as recording and putting the video together doesn’t require as much real estate in my mind.

I have been working on the script for about 1.5-2 months or so, but I am getting close to the end of it. After I do, I’ll give it an edit, which shouldn’t take SUPER long, and then I’ll be free to record the next One Piece review. So no promises on when I’ll be able to begin work on Wano Part 3, but we’re inching our way towards that and we’re MUCH closer today than we were a month ago.

Just figured I’d put an update out there, that’s all. Hope everyone has a great weekend!



Take your time and do what's best for you! That's how we also get the best from you😌

Project Mayhem

No worries, take your time