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Hey all, it's been a hot minute since I made any sort of lengthy journal post so I guess today is as good as any. Gonna start out with a quick happy thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians, didn't really do much this year for it but hopefully some of you did a little gobbling.

Lately I have been dealing with a lot of high stress from family situations involving their mental health problems, so I haven't been streaming as much since August. I've been doing my best to mitigate any anxiety/depression by trying to unwind a bit more with games and friends lately which has slowed my art output a bit but I'm still constantly doing stuff regardless.

My goal the past few weeks was trying to push past lining and shading most of the stuff that is sitting at almost 90%-100% finished in my queue that I have been waffling on if I'm satisfied with minor details and effects. I still have 7-8 things in there I'm sorting through but I have made some great progress in pushing some of the more dauntingly large pictures closer to completion. I am eager to get my full queue cleared up because it will mean I can justify doing more smaller regular single slot colour openings and rethink how I approach things in the future.

As of late, I haven't really been feeling motivated or driven with my comic projects, in the future I really want to come back to them and add the next batch of Donkey Machine stuff or  clear up more of that Dog Treats comic to finally post. A large problem there is that I just need to take some me time to sit down and sort out my paths and larger story, but I'm still playing commission catch up and falling behind financially. 

Ultimately I may have to just put a pause on everything sometime in the future and look for a part time job so I can take a hiatus on commissions and do stuff for me again. But I'm really not sure what I'll do yet.


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