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Cel Shaded Commission for Daniel156161 (Furaffinity)

"Can you believe it already showed up? This is gonna be amazing! I'll talk to you later once I've got pictures!" Daniel snickers with glee hanging up the phone, as he opens up a tiny box labeled "JustFurU" in bold print.

Daniel had ordered a unique custom tailored transformation kit from the new online brand promising the impossible, and after a few days of waiting and video call interviews of what to expect, he'd finally received a kit in the mail promising a full transformation into his female fennec fox fursona.

Excited to finally experience his first genuine transformation, Daniel carefully slipped out of his shoes just before setting them aside and swallowed the tiny capsule which had been custom coloured similarly to his vixen form. He was completely ready to watch all the changes, paws especially, as they happen.

At first there seems to be no reaction, which made him wonder, "Had it just been a dud? Was it just another scam? Hmm."

 But as he let out a dejected sigh, a small tingle through his fingers caught his attention, his nails had begun to slowly turn a bright tint of green.

Daniel's eyes lit up with renewed vigor, this was it! IT'S STARTING!!!

His nails had started to grow into sharp vulpine claws as he watched transfixed in awe, his fingertips swelling and tiny cream white fur began to sprout down from the tips of his new claws. He began to shift uncomfortably in his seat as he felt a pressure building in his lower back, the strain of the growing lump pressing against his tight jean shorts made him grit his teeth, which had already started to grow and shift with his jaw, as his tiny pointy vulpine fangs grew.

Daniel had fumbled around with his claws trying to unbutton his shorts to give some relief from his newly sprouting tail, but within the same moment he managed to unbutton it, a loud shredding noise had signaled that it had escaped on it's own. Leaving Daniel awestruck as he watched his new soft vixen tail gently sway beside him as he sat down on the couch.

Looking less human by the second, Daniel could feel the biggest change was coming, as his now fuzzier hips tightly strained what remained of his shorts and could barely contain his growing form, Daniel shivered in anticipation as he pictured how he'd finally fully look as Lara, his changes spreading to his hair as it tufted out and lengthened, but something else had caught his attention.

He could feel the tingle as his former manhood shrank in front of his eyes, Lara deeply blushed and couldn't help but touch the tip of it with her soft paw finger, watching as it finally finished shifting while disappearing between her vulva. She gently traced her paw hands along the curves of her new form, the fur markings had spread upward and the soft light white fur had spread up from her new womanhood covering her entire belly. She could feel the spreading fur tickling the inside of her shirt.

Feeling the next change starting had her tail begin to wag furiously with glee, her chest strained against her shirt as her forming breasts began expanding rapidly, her shirt fought valiantly to contain them but in her eagerness to feel the change, Lara had clumsily poked a rip in the fabric with her claws which immediately caused her shirt to buckle under the new weight, the front of her entire shirt ripping apart in two pieces as the scraps fell away. Finally revealing her newly grown boobs.

Lara's snout had already mostly formed amidst observing her other changes, but her ears were finally fluffing up and lengthening as her hearing became much more sensitive, the fur had already spread down both her legs, her claw toed feet had already been midway shifted into a digitigrade stance. Lara looked back over at her gentle swaying tail as she wiggled her new paw feet and finally stood up straight in front of the mirror to get a better look at her new body.

She smirked at her reflection, licking her new teeth with her long lime green vulpine tongue. Her insanely soft reddish brown and orange fur gently swayed as the fan in the corner hit her with a cool breeze. Giving her body a full examination, she was more than pleased with the final result. She gently caressed her new breasts, "they even got my nip colours just right, that's impressive!"

Gently removing the scraps of her former clothes, she walked back over to the couch, and rummaged through her bag of prepared outfits. "Hmm, doesn't look like I got a big enough bra size, looks like I'm gonna have to go out shopping for a bit~"

Lara threw on a quick replacement outfit and practiced walking on her new paws for a bit, before gathering her things and heading out the door with glee.



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