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Hey all, and a happy Chinese New Year! Have a good Bnnuy year.

I regretfully have had an extra rough week and a half here, things kind of have just been a domino chain of unfortunate events. But I'm still kickin' thankfully.
Being already pretty sick the past week or two I was just having a really rough pattern of sleep that put me into an unhealthy sleep cycle again. I wanna say I'm over the worst of the illness but with viruses still going around and spreading lately I don't wanna jinx anything.

On Friday night I was actually about to prepare to stream that evening, around 7pm to work on inks. But instead I ended up landing myself in the hospital after a mishap involving shattering glass in my hand, (two glasses knocked together as I tripped) the top half of a glass flew out of my hand and sliced open a spot just above my right wrist. Thankfully there was no deeper damage or nerve issues, but I still had to go get stitches and now the cut is all wrapped up and healing for the next two weeks.
I am incredibly thankful I am left handed and my left hand wasn't injured, so I can still work on for this month and stream soon. That said it will still be a bit slower since I do need my right hand for a lot of things I tend to forget I use it for on a daily basis like my mouse, shortcut buttons and texting. I shouldn't have to worry too much about the stitches, but I've never had stitches before now so it's a bit of a new experience.

With things as they are lately, I have been admittedly struggling to keep up with bills and stressing out quite a lot. Things are still in a state where I am just trying to recover from the break back in December. So lately I have been catching up on recovering with the most recent streams and cutting back on unnecessary expenses helping immensely. But this has also slowed me down, needing to finish more stream commissions off-stream than usual. Which even worse, I managed to lose a bunch of progress on two of them after accidentally erasing instead of masking major inking progress without a backup, and inking on the wrong file in another instance and needing to redraw several hours of progress. That said, those pieces are still coming along nicely and they will be finished fairly soon. I have also been making decent progress on a queue coloured pieces bit by bit every day trying to claw at the backlog.

In an attempt to make things much easier on me for Patreon posting, I'm going to try learning some formatting shortcuts for posts like this and images on Postybirb in the future, which should make it easier to get stuff out like stream notifications and queuing up other kinds of future posts to go live while I'm busy working.

I really appreciate you all, and everybody concerned on twitter with regards to the injury. I promise I will be okay and it's nothing scary, I consider myself very lucky in a lot of ways despite all the unpleasantness that has been going on lately in regard to illness/general bad news so I've been pretty high spirited all things aside.




Ouch! That's terrible to hear, wishing you a speedy recovery. Take your time for both your physical and mental health, don't want that dwindling as well, and we'll be here when you're ready <3

Steeve Z.

Thanks Timtam! I’m not going anywhere, but I will try to take it easy and at my own pace, mentally I’m doing much better!


I'm so glad you're taking care of yourself Steeb Rabbit