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Hey all, hope you're having an easy going summer! I've been admittedly badly behind on writing up post stuff and uploading in general cause of various family problems and some periods of recovery from feeling pretty lousy/mild sick lately.

Starting on the 15th, the midway point of the month I will start doing Dogust PWYW event streams. Somewhat similar to the donkey week event, Dogust is to enjoy the last of these sweaty hot doggo days of summer. 

So the rules for the event are simple:

1. Join the stream (Stream times will mostly be in the afternoons, dates may be subject to change based on availability. Will try to get a schedule up on picarto.)

2. Whisper the Dog Days Event wheel password to me in stream to get on the wheel.

3. If the wheel lands on you then you provide your references and sketch idea

4. Once it’s drawn, you name your price and once the paypal invoice is paid I will send it to your provided email

5. ???? (You receive the art, and it gets posted early on patreon as well.)

6. Suddenly you are a dog!? 

Event theme extra rules:

- Multi-character submissions follow normal stream rules, and must be on the same spin.

- Any breed of dog is fair game, anthro or feral or toony as long as the subject is canine. Regular rules for my Will/Won’t draw list apply.

- Dogs must be dogs! No dingos, wolves, foxes, dog-like creatures that aren’t specifically named as dogs. Stick to copyright free species of dogs that aren’t tied to a named intellectual property.

- I advise against asking for anything with complex backgrounds to be fair to other spin participants.

- No alts or edits in stream, if desired please request them outside of stream hours and I will add them to an edits queue for an additional fee based on how complex the edit is.

- If you wish to have your art credited as anonymous or kept private outside of patreon, let me know during the stream and I will mark it on your image.


I will unfortunately have to take a short break from the dogust streams from the 19th to the 22nd or 23rd as family is flying in to visit. I will still be able to work on queue work during that time on ipad but I will be largely unavailable for that span of time out of town. Streams will resume as soon as I get back though!

And as a final part of this journal update I’d like to say thanks and welcome to all the new patrons who have joined the past few months. I have been a bit overwhelmed lately with the amount of people who have expressed desire to work with me on stuff. I’m not a fast artist by any stretch but I tend to focus better in stream settings! 

My current goal at the moment is just keeping up with bills while I clear up my current owed work queues so I can refocus on personal projects in the future. There’s a lot of stuff I still need to format & post on here that are teasers for stuff I’ve been meaning to share for awhile. Like a more ambitious short tf comic one shot, and some larger sequences in the works. Which you will get to see eventually!

I’m still flying solo for now so keeping track of posting, invoices, organizing files, contacting clients, streaming and long drawing hours can get to be a huge time sink for me. So even if I may be slow, I do hope you enjoy the art as I get it out there! If you ever have any suggestions or ideas for the patreon I’m always listening!

Always. Listening. Watching. Hunting. ….OwO

*sinks back into the walls like a nightmare creature*


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