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To make things easier for me next year around tax season I will be updating my patreon's currency to Canadian dollars. so the tier prices may slightly change starting next month depending on which country your currency is defaulted to, I made sure to keep things consistent with the original USD prices for the most part so the change shouldn't affect you if you are located anywhere in the USA.

Going forward over the summer I do want to rework the patreon tiers a bit and make a fresh start with putting out comic-y content or special discord/commission wheel tiers. The only thing currently holding me back from it right now is trying to get through current commissions I still owe but I am at least making slow but steady progress there, been doing a lot of colouring on queue stuff this week.


May is coming up pretty fast which may mean another Donkey TF themed stream event, so if you are interested in sketches of that nature I will probably be uploading a bunch of them! 

I'm always open to suggestions for things you guys may want to see more of or stuff that ideas that would just be fun to do on the side as fun sequence. I do need to work on more personal art but I haven't really been able to focus on a specific mood lately. Been mostly thinking about text adventure games if anything, but programming is not really my strong suite.

Regular sketch streams from me will be resuming May 2nd on my Picarto channel (Steeveart) so I hope to see some of you there! In the mean time I am still crunching numbers in a spreadsheet for taxes. (yay!)

Thanks for reading!



You want me to make an ass out of myself? :P