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Happy Easter! This sequence kind of just spawned out of nowhere and the desire to do a satisfying bunny TF with paws. Every year some lucky individual is chosen by a chocolate egg that contains the Easter bunny's mystical energies. Granting them supernatural bnnuy power and infusing them with the mission to recruit more bunnies and successfully hide all of the Easter eggs for kids each year.

Unfortunately our internet has been taken out by rogue employees who made a mistake setting up our neighbor's cable connection by leaving ours disconnected before hastily leaving. Fortunately I finished this up most of the day an tethered to my phone to upload it tonight! Added some shading since I couldn't access anything on the net outside of through my phone and didn't wanna uses up my data.

I may be offline till Tuesday at the latest, paw beans crossed they come back sooner though!


From FA Description:

P1 - 

You can't believe you got the last one!
These things sell out too quick...

P2 - 

Whuh oh! Why are your shoes feeling so tight all of a sudden?!

P3 - 

Woah w-w-what is this?! A-are these your ears?! Y-y-your... uhm FEET PAWS?!
Your nose feels all tingly, what is up with this egg?!

P4 - Jeez this jacket is way too stuffy, why were you even wearing this  thing? You barely even remember owning something like this, now where  did your basket go? Who were you again?

P5 - Oh that's right, you're the Easter bunny! No wonder those clothes made  no sense, you're supposed to be covered in warm fur! Good thing you  remembered, it's almost time to hide the... wait something isn't right  yet...

P6 - Now the good ol' easter bunny is ready to go! Looks like you could use our help to hide these eggs~
Aren't you just as excited!?! *THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP* Good!

Silly Bonus: The Easter bunny has learned the sharingan eye after wiping out his village and can now predict your every move when chasing you with his cursed bunny transformation eggs.



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