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As you rush down the broken escalator stepping into the musty underground hallways, your footsteps echo loudly through the tunnels.

"I'm so damn late!" You exclaim in desperation, begging the next train to have not yet made it to your platform yet.

You rush down the final steps and finally reach your platform. Starting to catch your breath a bit and feeling a wave of relief, as there was no sign that the train had arrived just yet with quite a few people waiting nearby.

Checking the tunnel you don't hear anything and decide to walk further down the platform to get away from the crowded areas, but as you arrive near the far end of the platform you hear a meek man's voice next one of the brick pillars.

"Pssst, hey you, can you help me over here?"

"Look buddy I don't have any change..."

"No, no I don't need your money, I just need a little help convincing my buddy to get back up here. He climbed down this maintenance ladder and we're both gonna miss our train if he doesn't stop goofing around. Can you pretend to be security or something and spook him back up here?"

He points a scrawny finger to a manhole with  a small ladder leading down to a platform directly below yours.

Begrudgingly you sigh, since your train seems to be late anyway it couldn't hurt to kill a little time helping a stranger. While it did seem a bit suspicious, his face showed a genuine concern for his friend who seemed to have been gone a little too long.

Climbing down the ladder carefully, you both take a look around the darkened tunnel, but you don't see much as the lights have all been shut off in this section.  Pulling out your phone you turn on the flashlight, but stumble back a bit as you notice a large creature scurrying in fear into a side hall. The creature left behind what looked like bits of fabric and torn up jeans, squeaking loudly in fear.

The man who asked you for help finishes descending as you back up into him fearfully. He seems confused until he notices the clothing and rushes over to it.

"T-this is what he was wearing! A-are you down here Peter!? Are you okay?" 

A gruff voice interrupts the man, coming from the other end of the platform.

"My, my, another one? And he brought me a third new member to boot! Bit scrawny but eh, he'll do too. So many filthy surface trespassers today, I have my work cut out for me."

The voice hiding in the darkness behind the pillar lets out a shrill squeaky laugh. You grip on the ladder tightly, whatever the creature that just spoke is, you feel unwise to mess with it.

As beckon for the other man to climb back out with you, he shouts at the darkness in frustration. "What did you do with Peter!? Show yourself you creep! He better not be hurt!"

Then you both see them come out from behind the pillar in the darkness. Two large beady glowing red eyes in the shadows staring you both down. Your body feels frozen in place. You can't move an inch! Something is wrong.

"Your friend is fine, he just likes it down here now, is all. In fact he's decided to come live in my clubhouse, he was quite eager about it! You are welcome to join him."

The shadowy creature steps closer, with a dangling long appendage trailing behind him.

"You've already been caught by my eye, so you might as well give in. You'll both make fine pair of rat boys..."

You grip the ladder tightly, trying to break whatever has you unable to move, but it's no use! Desperately you try to question the creature,

"What did you do to-" 

You're interrupted abruptly by the other man as he drops to his knees while the rat man steps into the light of your phone in front of you both. He seems to be clutching at his sides as his clothing strains and bulges impossibly in front of you. A tail bursts from his pants as he moans loudly. Lifting up a growing rat snout in front of you.

"My eyes are good at spotting new rats, once you've seen them, you can't escape. You will be joining us soon..."

Your eyes go wide in shock as you finally see the large anthro rat up close, he stares you down with glowing red eyes as you notice his dark grey fur covering him completely, he's sporting a green hat and a cheeky smile with a large pair of buckteeth beneath his pink rodent nose. His ears are round and massive, and his clawed fingers reach out to you.

He grabs onto your pants, pulling them down with a gentle thrust.

"You won't be needing these once your tail grows in."

The whole platform rumbles as you hear your train arrive in the tunnel above. But there's nothing you can do, as long as the rat creature stares at you, you're unable to move or escape. But there's a strange sensation beginning to form in your thoughts. 

W-Why would you want to leave? This rat guy is kind of persuasive. You're starting to feel curious about his club, you don't even remember what you were late for earlier. It's probably not something that would matter much to a rat!

Your underwear begins to tent as the rat man smiles,

"Looks like you're starting to get it. Now you just need to climax and I'll accept that as your application to the club."

You feel yourself take your hand off the ladder as a wave of arousal begins clouding your mind. Your ears already half changed, and a tail beginning to push out from behind. The rat man starts to walk back to the end of the platform as you both continue to change and give in to your lusts, soon to be another pair of big messy rat boys.

"Welcome to the club, buddies."


Here's a doodle+mini story to celebrate World Rat day and 4/4(Foreskin) day a couple days ago.

It was sketched on that day so it still counts right?!

Tried to do a bit of advanced lighting and shading in this one to experiment and improve a bit! Hopefully it paid off. Also there's a bonus rat Steeve doodle that I might come back to and finish another time.





Loved this TF. So much detail! :3