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Hey all, just a quick update, last week around Sunday on the 9th after I went and got my vaccine booster, my family started showing some flu/covid symptoms and everybody got pretty sick, myself included. It has been 2 weeks of recovering in bed, I've gone through at minimum 3 tissue boxes and ended up not feeling all that well enough to draw during that time. My dad ended up going to the hospital for a short while which was a big scare, but thankfully he's okay and just overexerted a bit shoveling during the snowstorm we had.

As I've been getting better, I have picked up my tablet a bit here and there and tried to work on a few things, commissions, new sequences, colouring stuff. But it's mostly been in short bursts so I haven't really gotten any of it done enough to show sadly.

Since I am feeling a bit better now I will try to resume the tiger streams tomorrow. I know we don't have much time left of the month so I'd like to get as many streams in as I can, but if I do relapse with sick, I will try to make up for it at the start of February!

For now here's a full sketch tease of an Incineroar sequence I've got in progress.

I don't know how much I'll be able to get done along side the tiger stuff in such a short period, I wanted to have at least one full colour sequence ready to share this month and attempt to have one or two ready for next month as well! But art isn't a race so sometimes a lot of stuff I want to share just ends up in a WIP limbo! I'll try to share a lot more through the discord so be sure to join it if you haven't already! (Discord Link Here)

Going into February and the rest of the year as I do get better, and hopefully stay that way  a good while, (winters are horrible for me) I want to put a little more effort into the picarto stream stuff and may disappear for a bit to work on a PNGtuber a bit more to make the streams a little more engaging. I'd go as far as learning blender on stream but I don't think that is a pandora box I'd want to open just yet, least until I'm more caught up and don't have people waiting on me for commissions.

Stay healthy and hydrated!



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